Author/Editor     Mikuš-Kos, A
Title     Bolan otrok, njegovi starši in zdravstveni delavci - kaj se dogaja med nami?
Translated title     The sick child, his parents and medical staff - what is happening between us?
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 1-3
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 47-54
Language     slo
Abstract     The relationship between the sick child, his parents and health workers is the result of complex psychosocial processes. Those depend upon all participants, their mutual interactions and upon actual circumstances. It is possible to acquire an insight into those processes through analysis of the involved members - the child, parents and health workers. Personal and personality characteristics, previous life experiences, attitudes towards the child's illnes and treatment, the family and social situation of participants and the nature, duration and gravity of illnes are important. The second approach is the explanation of psychological processes such as empathy, identification, transfer and defence mechanisms which can have unfavourable impact on users and health workers themselves. The organizational characteristics of the health establishment have an important influence on the relationship between health workers and the sick child and his-her parrents. Analysis stemming from the system theory provides a good insight into relationships between entities forming the complex system of interactions in health care. Magnitude of factors and forces which have an impact on these relationships, those which are able to be improved should be identified. The most important are: increasing the emotional and intellectual sensitivity of health workers to the psychological process in the patient and in his parents and to proper emotional processes, relevant theoretical psychological knowledge, knowledge of practical mental health approaches, adequate communication,...