Author/Editor     Šalehar, MA
Title     Odnosi in interakcije dispanzerja za šolarje - družina in šolski zdravnik
Translated title     Everyday relations and interactions in the health centre for school-children - the family and school doctor
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 1-3
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 58-62
Language     slo
Abstract     At school entry the relations between the child, his family, his parents and the school doctor become more complicated because the teacher and school are also involved. Every participant is involved as a part of the family system, the educational system, the medical system, the communications and their institutions. Every change in one part of the system is reflected in the individual participant and in their interpersonal relationships. The participants are presented: the children, his family, his mother, his teacher, the school and the school system, the school doctor and the medical system and the role of communications. Some characteristic events in everyday practice are discussed: history taking, with family assessment, physical examination of the child and counselling. A psychosomatic and biopsychosocial model for health assessment of the pupil and the family Apgar to establish the state of functional integrity of the family is presented. Relationships between all participants are complex. Their role in this period of intense changes in the system is key to resolution of the child's illnes or disturbance.