Author/Editor     Ravnik, IM
Title     Nekatere posebnosti epizodičnih motenj v adolescenci - glavoboli
Translated title     Episodic disorders in adolescence - headaches
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 1-3
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 99-102
Language     slo
Abstract     Several aspects characteristic of episodic headaches in adolescence, either arising de novo or having been present from childhood, are discussed in relation to the developmental framework which may modify their clinical expression and course, severity and the subjective experience of "living with" a headache. Rare neurological conditions considered migrainous, including disturbances of consciousness and perception, which tend to occur more frequently in adolescence, as well as psychogenic headache, are given particular attention as they are seldom well recognized in primary paediatric and adolescent health care. The need for an adjusted medical and psychosocial approach is put forward.
Descriptors     HEADACHE