Author/Editor     Tomazin, I
Title     Urgentna helikopterska medicinska služba v slovenskih gorah
Translated title     Emergency helicopter medical service in Slovenian mountains
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 9
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 387-90
Language     slo
Abstract     Mountain Rescue Service of Slovenia (MRS) is an organization which performs medical treatment and transport in difficult accessible sites, especially in the mountains, where regular Rescue service can't intervene. An extraordinary improvement of the quality of MRS work was made when the helicopter was introduced in 1967, especially regarding the speady access to the patients, the quality of treatment, the faster and more gentle transport to the hospital. Article deals with the organization and the specifics of mountain emergency helicopter service in Slovenian mountains, which is performed within the frame of collaboration between MRS and The Ministry of Internal Affairs. Team for helicopter rescuing, communication network, equipment, casuistics and perspective of this activities in Slovenian emergency medicine, are described.
Summary     Gorska reševalna služba Slovenije (GRS) je organiracija, ki med drugim izvaja medicinsko oskrbo in prevoz v težko dostopnih krajih, predvsem v gorah, kjer običajna reševalna služba ne more posredovati. Z uvedbo helikopterja, ki je bil v Sloveniji prvič uporabljen leta 1967, je gorsko reševanje zelo napredovalo predvsem v smislu hitrejšega dostopa do bolnikov, strokovnejše oskrbe in hitrejšega ter obzirnejšega prevoza v zdravstveno ustanovo. članek predstavlja organizacijo in posebnosti urgentne helikopterske medicinske službe v slovenskih gorah, ki poteka v okviru sodelovanja med GRS in Ministrstvom za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije. Opisani so moštvo za reševanje s helikopterjem, sistem obveščanja, oprema, kazuistika in perspektive te dejavnosti v slovenski urgentni medicini.