Author/Editor     Vodnjov, M; Brcar-Štrukelj, P; Weibl, B
Title     Zdravstvena vzgoja šolskih otrok in mladine na primarni ravni zdravstvenega varstva včeraj, danes, jutri
Translated title     Health education of schoolchildren and youth on the primary level of health care yesterday, today and tomorrow
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 9
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 405-9
Language     slo
Abstract     In the contribution, the development and implementation of health educational activities intended for children and youth during the period of last thirty years are elucidated. The authoresses are discussing the significance of health educational activity and modern trends regarding health education contents, performers of this activity and modernized methods of work.
Summary     Avtorice v svojem prispevku osvetljujejo razvoj in izvajanje zdravstvenovzgojne dejavnosti namenjene otrokom in mladini, v obdobju zadnjih tridesetih let v Sloveniji. Razmišljajo o pomenu zdravstvenovzgojne dejavnosti in o sodobnih smernicah glede zdravstvenovzgojnih vsebin, nosilcev dejavnosti in posodobljenih metod dela.
Descriptors     HEALTH EDUCATION