Author/Editor     Drinovec, B; Poljšak-Prijatelj, M; Kuret, J; Mannweiler, K
Title     Interakcije med virusi
Translated title     Viral interactions
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 64, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. III-25-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The possibility of simultaneous infections of the susceptible cells with two different viruses was studied. Double infection is in nature rare and usually takes place under particular conditions which are related to both cells and viruses. Methods. The formation of morphological and antigenic changes in the infected cells were observed with some light and electronmicrosopic methods which involved immunogold method. Results. We established mutual effects of retardation as well as the stimulation of interfering viruses. The appearance of antigenically mixed viruses presented rubella virus antigens in the envelope of the measles virus was noticed. Conclusions. Double infection with two different viruses is possible in in vitro system and is reflected at different grades of viral interference. This one influence on the synthesis of new viruses that differs in quantity of interfering viruses. The appearance in of measles and rubella virus antigens in measles virus particles seems to critically influence in in vivo system at the immune system and virus persistance.
Summary     Izhodišča. Obravnavane so možnosti hkratne okužbe celic z dvema različnima virusoma. Dvojna okužba celice ni pogost pojav in se v naravi dogaja praviloma v posebnih pogojih, ki so odvisni od celic in virusov. Metode. Opazovali smo morfološke in antigenske spremembe v celicah s svetlobnim in elektronskim mikroskopom po imunocitokemičnih označevanjih. Rezultati. Ugotovili smo medsebojne zaviralne in spodbujevalne učinke interferirajočih virusov. Pojavljali so se tudi fenotipično mešani virusi z antigeni virusa rdečk v ovojnici virusa ošpic. Zaključki. V in vitro sistemu je mogoče izzvati dvojno okužbo celic z različnima virusoma, ki se odraža v različnih stopnjah virusne interference. Ta vpliva na sintezo novih virusov, ki se razlikuje v količini interferirajočih virusov. Prihaja pa tudi do antigensko mešanih virusov, kar in vivo odločilno vpliva na imunski sistem in virusno perzistenco.