Author/Editor     Bizovičar, Nataša
Title     Motnje odvajanja blata pri bolnikih po možganski kapi
Translated title     Bowel dysfunctions in patients after stroke
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 16, št. 2
Publication year     2017
Volume     str. 59-67
ISSN     1580-9315 - Rehabilitacija
Language     slv
Abstract     Motnje odvajanja blata so pogoste pri bolnikih po možganski kapi (MK) in so povezane s slabšo kakovostjo življenja ter socialno izolacijo bolnikov ter skrbnikov v akutnem in kroničnem obdobju po MK. Zaprtje je prisotno pri 30-60 % in nehotno uhajanje blata pri 30-40 % bolnikov. Neposredna povezava med MK in motnjami odvajanja blata še ni pojasnjena. Na zaprtje in nehotno uhajanje vplivajo številni primarni ter sekundarni vzroki. Pozornost je potrebno posvetiti predvsem tistim vzrokom, ki se lahko ponavljajo. Po podatkih iz literature so motnje odvajanja blata po MK bolj povezane s slabšo pokretnostjo, slabšim funkcijskim stanjem, odvisnostjo od pomoči drugih oseb pri dostopu do stranišča ter z uporabo zdravil kot z lokalizacijo MK. V literaturi je zelo malo randomiziranih kontroliranih raziskav, ki bi primerjale različne terapevtske ukrepe ter zdravila pri obravnavi nehotnega uhajanja in zaprtja po MK. Dosedanje raziskave so slabe kakovosti. V literaturi se priporoča strukturiran individualiziran stopenjski multidisciplinarni pristop s poudarkom na programu reedukacije črevesa in uporabi odvajal. Pregledni članek opisuje epidemiologijo, vzroke, diagnostiko ter zdravljenje nehotnega uhajanja in zaprtja po MK.Bowel dysfunctions are common in patients after stroke and are associated with poor quality of life and social isolation of patients and caregivers in the acute and chronic period of stroke. The prevalence of constipation is 30-60%, and of faecal incontinence it is 30-40%. The direct connection between stroke and bowel dysfunction has not been explained yet. There are many primary and secondary causes of obstipation and faecal incontinence, and it is important to pay special attention to modifiable causes. According to the data from the literature, bowel dysfunctions after stroke are more related to poorer mobility, worse functional status, dependence on needing help with toilet use, with drug use and not directly with stroke localisation. In the literature, there are very few randomised controlled trials comparing different therapeutic measures and drugs for treating constipation and faecal incontinence in patients after stroke, and they are mostly of poor quality. A structured, individualized, systematic multidisciplinary approach is recommended, with an emphasis on the bowel re-education program and the use of laxatives. This review article describes the epidemiology, causes, diagnosis and treatment of faecal incontinence and constBowel dysfunctions are common in patients after stroke and are associated with poor quality of life and social isolation of patients and caregivers in the acute and chronic period of stroke. The prevalence of constipation is 30-60%, and of faecal incontinence it is 30-40%. The direct connection between stroke and bowel dysfunction has not been explained yet. There are many primary and secondary causes of obstipation and faecal incontinence, and it is important to pay special attention to modifiable causes. According to the data from the literature, bowel dysfunctions after stroke are more related to poorer mobility, worse functional status, dependence on needing help with toilet use, with drug use and not directly with stroke localisation. In the literature, there are very few randomised controlled trials comparing different therapeutic measures and drugs for treating constipation and faecal incontinence in patients after stroke, and they are mostly of poor quality. A structured, individualized, systematic multidisciplinary approach is recommended, with an emphasis on the bowel re-education program and the use of laxatives. This review article describes the epidemiology, causes, diagnosis and treatment of faecal incontinence and constipation after stroke.ipation after stroke.
Descriptors     Stroke
Fecal Incontinence
Keywords     stroke
možganska kap
inkontinenca blata