Author/Editor     Hubej, Tija; Hadžić, Vedran; Bučar Pajek, Maja; Dolenc, Maja
Title     Poškodbe baletnih plesalk
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 65, št. 1/2
Publication year     2017
Volume     str. 76-80
Language     slv
Abstract     Začetki baleta segajo daleč v 19. stoletje. Tehnika se od takrat ni bistveno spremenila in danes velja za eno izmed najbolj dovršenih in fizično zahtevnih ter predstavlja osnovo za katerokoli drugo plesno zvrst ali estetski šport. V prispevku smo z anketnim vprašalnikom analizirali poškodbe baletnih plesalk Konservatorija za glasbo in balet Ljubljana. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 24 dijakinj, starih od 15 do 21 let, z minimalno 7 let izkušenj s plesom klasičnega baleta. Podatki, ki smo jih pridobili, so bili analizirani s programom za statistično obdelavo podatkov SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics), za grafično predstavitev smo uporabili program Microsoft Excel (Microsoft). Rezultati so pokazali, da se največ poškodb nahaja na spodnjih okončinah, to je 74 %. Kot zelo kritično mesto s 13 % zaseda hrbtenica. V največji meri so poškodovane tetive in kosti, čemur sledijo mišice in sklepi. Na splošno lahko zaključimo, da je pri specifični vadbi, kot je balet, stopnja poškodb zelo visoka, prizadene pa predvsem spodnje okončine. Zaskrbljujoče je tudi dejstvo, da plesalke poškodbam ne namenijo zadosti pozornosti oziroma se ne zavedajo resnosti stanja.The origins of ballet are traced to the early nineteenth century. The technique has not changed significantly since then and is considered as one of the most sophisticated and physically demanding dance techniques. It symbolizes the basis for any other dance genre or aesthetic sports. That the body can withstand such pressures, it must have a specific characteristics that represent the essence of ballet technique. The purpose of the thesis is the analysis of injuries of ballet dancers from the Conservatory of Music and Ballet Ljubljana. The study included 24 girls aged 15 to 21 years with minimum 7 years of ballet practice. Data was analyzed using Program for Statystical analyzis SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics). Charts and graphs were presented with Microsoft Excel Programme (Microsoft). The results have shown that the maximum damage 74 % is located on the lower limbs. 13 % of the injuries were located at the backbone and the most injured structures were tendons and bones, followed by the muscles and joints. In general we can conclude that in specific training as injury rate is very high and mostly affects the lower extremities. Also of concern is the fact that the dancers do not pay enough attention to the injuries, or are unaware of the seriousness of the situation.
Keywords     baletne plesalke
športne poškodbe
sports injuries