Author/Editor     Vindišar, Franci
Title     Pediatrični urgentni center v Urgentnem centru Celje
Translated title     Pediatric emergency center in Emergency centre Celje
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik predavanj XLVII. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije za zdravnike, 10. in 11. november 2017 Ljubljana : Slovensko zdravniško društvo
Publication year     2017
Volume     str. 25-28
Language     slv
Abstract     V prispevku prikazujemo prostorski, organizacijski in finančni vidik vzpostavljanja Pediatričnega urgentnega centra kot sestavnega dela Urgentnega centra Celje. Pri tem smo sledili sprejetim dokumentom na državnem nivoju, ki so bili zaradi finančnih razlogov realizirani le v manjšem obsegu v Ljubljani in smernicam oskrbe otrok mednarodnih institucij. Prikazana je prostorska ureditev, organizacija dela, način financiranja in obsegi dela od vzpostavitve centra ob koncu leta 2015. V prihodnosti je poseben izziv povezava oskrbe urgentnih pediatričnih primerov s področjem urgentne medicine.This paper presents the spatial, organizational, and financial aspects of the establishment of the Pediatric Emergency Centre as part of the Emergency Center Celje. We followed the accepted documents at the state level, which were realized only to a lesser extent in Ljubljana due to financial reasons, and the guidelines for the care of pediatric patients from international institutions. We have shown the spatial arrangement, the organization of work, the way of financing and the scope of work from the establishment of the centre in 2015. Integration between the urgent pediatric cases with the field of emergency medicine will be a special challenge in the future.
Descriptors     Emergency service, hospital
Pediatric emergency medicine
Bolnišnična urgentna služba
Pediatrična urgentna medicina