Author/Editor     Lobnik, F; Pintar, M; Suhadolc, M; Zupan, M
Title     Možni izvori onesnaženja tal in podtalnic
Translated title     Potential sources of pollution of soil and ground water
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 5-8
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 145-8
Language     slo
Abstract     From March 1993 ground water and some streams on Apaško polje have been sampled (21 sampling points (s. p.)). Average nitrate concentrations (conc.) in the water were higher in 1994 then the year before. In 7 wells among 13 conc. of nitrate took limit of 50 mg nitrate/l. The drinking water from water-supply was also highly polluted. The 1994 average conc. in 12 wells exceeded this limit as well. Among these in 5 s. p. the average conc. of nitrate exceeded 100 mg nitrate/l as well as in water from water-supply. There were relatively higher increases of conc. of nitrate in s. p. with lower conc. Absolutely increased conc. was higher in s. p. with higher nitrate conc. Conc. of atrazine were lower than maximum allowed conc. for potable water in Slovenia (5.0 g/l) in all s. p.. Only two samples from one s. p. the conc. of atrazine exceeded CE normative for dringking water (0.5 g/l) between mar- dec. 1993. This s. p. had relatively low conc. of nitrate.