Author/Editor     Gambadauro, Pietro; Carli, Vladimir; Hadlaczky, Gergö; Sarchiapone, Marco; Apter, Alan; Balazs, Judit; Banzer, Raphaela; Bobes, Julio; Brunner, Romuald; Cosman, Doina; Farkas, Luca; Haring, Christian; Hoven, Christina W.; Kaess, Michael; Kahn, Jean-Pierre; McMahon, Elaine M.; Poštuvan, Vita; Sisask, Merike; Värnik, Airi; Šedivy, Nuša; Wasserman, Danuta
Title     Correlates of sexual initiation among European adolescents
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 13, št. 2
Publication year     2018
Volume     str. 1-16
ISSN     1932-6203 - PloS one
Language     eng
Keywords     reproductive health
sexual initiation
risk behaviours
psychological symptoms
childhood trauma
SEYLE study
reproduktivno zdravje
spolna iniciacija
tvegano vedenje
psihološki simptomi
travma v otroštvu
študija SEYLE