Author/Editor     Dovgan, Patricija; Štemberger Kolnik, Tamara; Ravnik, David
Title     Poznavanje funkcij mišic medeničnega dna in pomena komplementarnih konservativnih pristopov za njihovo krepitev pri ženskah
Translated title     Knowing the functions of the pelvic floor muscles and the importance of complementary conservative approaches to pelvic floor muscles strengthening in women
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 52, št. 1
Publication year     2018
Volume     str. 29-37
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Urinska inkontinenca je pogosto posledica oslabelih mišic medeničnega dna, ki se lahko zdravi konservativno ali medikamentozno. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšno je znanje žensk o funkcijah mišic medeničnega dna in kako ocenjujejo koristnost komplementarnih konservativnih pristopov za njihovo krepitev. Metode: Uporabljena je bila eksplorativna kvantitativna metoda dela. Vprašalnik je bil sestavljen na podlagi pregledane literature, oblikovan je bil v spletnem orodju 1KA. Priložnostni vzorec so predstavljale ženske, stare med 20 in 64 let (n = 356). Podatki so bili analizirani z deskriptivno statistiko in faktorsko analizo. Rezultati: Vaj za krepitev mišic medeničnega dna ne izvaja 190 anketirank (52,4 %). Rezultati so pokazali, da pri vadbi za učinkovito krepitev mišic medeničnega dna pripomočke uporablja 12 anketirank (7 %). Diskusija in zaključek: Faktorska analiza je potrdila uporabnost za raziskavo oblikovanega inštrumenta. Anketirane ženske dobro poznajo funkcije mišic medeničnega dna, povezane z inkontinenco urina, vendar slabo skrbijo za krepitev mišic medeničnega dna. Spolne pripomočke štejejo le za zabavo in za popestritev spolnosti, ni pa jim znana možnost njihove uporabe za krepitev mišic medeničnega dna.Introduction: Urinary incontinence is often the result of weakened pelvic floor muscles. The purpose of the study was to establish how much women knew about the pelvic floor muscle functions and how useful they found the complementary conservative approaches for pelvic floor muscles strengthening. Methods: The exploratory quantitative research method was used. The questionnaire was prepared on the basis of the literature review and was designed with the 1KA online tool. The sample was composed of women aged between 20 and 64 (n = 356). Descriptive statistics and data factor analysis were performed. Results: 190 of the respondents (52.4 %) did not perform any exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. The results showed that 12 respondents (7 %) use devices for effective strengthening of pelvic floor muscles. Discussion and conclusion: Factor analysis was used to confirm the usefulness of the instrument used. The surveyed women know the functions of the pelvic floor muscles associated with urinary incontinence well, but they do not do much to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. They only perceive sexual devices as devices used for fun, but are not aware of the possibility of using them to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
Keywords     zdravstvena vzgoja
zdravstvena nega
spolni pripomočki
telesna aktivnost
urinska inkontinenca
health education
nursing care
sexual devices
physical activity
urinary incontinence