Author/Editor     Trontelj, Jurij; Klančar, Anita; Roškar, Robert
Title     Pojavljanje zdravilnih učinkovin in njihovih metabolitov v slovenskih vodah
Translated title     The occurrence of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites in Slovene waters
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 69, št. 2
Publication year     2018
Volume     str. 101-106
ISSN     0014-8229 - Farmacevtski vestnik
Language     slv
Abstract     Zdravilne učinkovine se iz človeškega telesa lahko izločijo v nespremenjeni obliki v okolje, kjer pa se ne razgradijo takoj, temveč vstopijo prek odpadnih voda v površinske, talne in pitne vode. Zdravilne učinkovine in njihovi metaboliti lahko kljub velikemu faktorju redčenja pri vstopu v naravno okolje povzročijo negativne učinke predvsem na vodne organizme, lahko povečujejo odpornost bakterij na protimikrobne učinkovine, domneva pa se, da imajo negativne učinke tudi na človeka. Zato je nujen nadzor in spremljanje njihovih koncentracij v okolju. V tem prispevku predstavljamo pri nas razvito metodologijo, ki to omogoča ter ugotovitve, kakšna je obremenitev slovenskih voda z učinkovinami, katere med njimi so najbolj izstopajoče in primerjamo stanje pri nas in s tujino.The pharmaceuticals can be excreted from the human organism unchanged into the environment where they are not decomposed instantly, but enter through the sewage system into surface, ground and drinking water. Despite the large dilution factor when entering the natural environment, these substances and their metabolites can nevertheless cause negative effects mainly on aquatic organisms; they can increase the resistance to antibiotics, and it is suspected that they may have a direct negative impact on humans as well. It is therefore necessary monitor and control their concentrations in the environment. In this paper, we present the developed methodology and the main findings for Slovenia - which compounds were found with the highest levels and compare our findings with the results from abroad.
Descriptors     Odpadne vode
Pitna voda
Površinske vode
Keywords     zdravilne učinkovine
vzorčenje vod