Author/Editor     Božiček, F
Title     Začasna in trajna delovna nezmožnost kmetov (lastne izkušnje)
Translated title     Problems of temporary and permanent disability of farmers - according to author's experiences
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 1-2
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 39-42
Language     slo
Abstract     Personal author's experience regarding the problematics of patients-farmers and related problems at the attempts of their solving are described. Dealing with otherwise identical problematics is more complex and difficult in farmers than in employed population. As farmer' rights deriving from insurance have been prone to changes, the need for evaluating their disability has been changing accordingly. Farmers have suffered some injustices, while at the same time they have also in some cases exploitated insurance themselves; the reason for this being first of all the unfinished system of including farmers into insurance, which allows the possibility of later positive or negative interpretations. The system of diagnostics of patient's troubles is at the momement also such, that it takes months before the process of diagnostics is finalized on specialistic level, if this happens at all. All this indicates the important and difficult role of a physician, who besides the patient's illness - in this case farmer's - envisages also its broader context: an environment of farmland which requires hard labour, of very often bad social circumastances and the family in need of means for survival.
Summary     Opisane so avtorjeve izkušnje z bolniki-kmeti in problemi ob reševanju njihovih težav. Te so pri njih zapletenejše in težje kot pri drugih zaposlenih. Ker so se z leti pravice kmetov, ki izhajajo iz zavarovanja, spreminjale, se je spremenila tudi potreba po ceni njihove delanezmožnosti. kmetje so doživljali določene krivice, včasih pa so tudi sami izkoriščali zavarovanje; predvsem zaradi nedodelanega sistema vključevanja kmetov v zavarovanje, ki dopušča naknadne pozitivne ali negativne interpretacije. Sistem diagnosticiranja bolnikov težav je trenutno takšen, da minejo meseci, preden se proces na specialistični ravni zaključi, če sploh se. Vse to pa nakazuje pomembno in težko vlogo zdravnika, ki poleg bolnikove bolezni - v tem primeru kmeta - vidi širše ozadje: obdelovalno zemljo, ki zahteva trdo delo, pogosto slabe socialne razmere in družino, ki potrebuje sredstva za preživetje.