Author/Editor     Slapšak, Alenka; Skela-Savič, Brigita
Title     Poznavanje pomena preventive raka dojk pri mladostnicah - pilotna raziskava
Type     članek
Source     In: Medpoklicno povezovanje na različnih ravneh zdravstvenega varstva: trendi, potrebe in izzivi : zbornik predavanj z recenzijo : = proceedings of lectures with peer review Jesenice : Fakulteta za zdravstvo Angele Boškin
Publication year     2018
Volume     str. Str. 223-231
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Rak dojke je bolezen, ki prizadene milijone žensk po celem svetu. Je najpogostejši rak žensk in najpogostejši vzrok smrti pri ženskah v Evropi. Samopregledovanje dojk je prva in najvažnejša metoda zgodnjega odkrivanja raka. Namen pilotne raziskave je bil proučiti stopnjo osveščenosti in samozavedanja za lastno skrb za zdravje in povezave z možnostjo zgodnjega odkrivanja raka dojke pri mladostnicah. Metode: Izvedena je bila deskriptivna kvantitativna metoda dela. Za zbiranje podatkov je bil uporabljen standardiziran anketni vprašalnik s 23 vprašanji. Podatki so bili zbrani pred in po zdravstveno vzgojni intervenciji. Pilotna raziskava je bila izvedena na vzorcu 60 mladostnic v Zdravstvenem domu Ljubljana. Potekala je od septembra 2017 do januarja 2018. Deskriptivna analiza podatkov je bila opravljena s pomočjo programa SPSS 19.0. Rezultati: Pri vstopni anketi je bilo povprečno število pravilnih odgovorov 13,6 (SD=3,08), pri izstopni pa 18,9(SD=3,36),(p<0,001).Statistično pomembne razlike so se pokazale pri spremenljivki Bistvo samopregledovanja dojk v odgovorih pred in po predavanju (p=0,01.) in razlika v znanju gimnazijk in dijakinj srednjih šol, kjer so se bolje odrezale gimnazijke, pred predavanjem (p=0,045), po predavanju pa so razlike še bolj opazne (p=0,001). Diskusija in zaključek: Pilotna raziskava potrdi razlike v znanju mladostnic glede na izbiro srednje šole. Znanje na temo pregledovanja dojk in poznavanje tematike (23 vsebinskih vprašanj) je boljše pri gimnazijkah, kot pri dijakinjah trgovske, frizerske in aranžerske šole. Rezultati in njihova primerjava s podobnimi raziskavami kažejo, da je promocija skrbi za lastno zdravje in spremenjen odnos do lastnega zdravja z novimi znanji pri mladostnicah, zelo potrebna. Vso pozornost je potrebno usmeriti na redno izobraževanje mladih.Introduction: Breast cancer is a disease, which affects millions of women all over the world. It is the most common cancer in women and presents the most frequent cause of death in women in Europe. Breast self- -examination is the first and the most important method of early detection of cancer. The aim of this pilot research was to examine the degree of awareness and self-conscience about caring for one's own health and in relation to the possibility of early detection of breast cancer in adolescent women. Methods: The descriptive quantitative work method was used in the research. We applied a standardized survey questionnaire with 23 questions for data collection. The data were collected before and after the health- education intervention. The pilot research was conducted on a sample of 60 adolescent women at the Health Centre Ljubljana and took place from September 2017 to January 2018. The descriptive analysis of the data was made by SPSS 19.0 program package. Results: For the input questions, the mean number of correct answers was 13.6 (SD=3.08), while for the output questions it was 18.9 (SD=3.36), (p<0.001). Statistically significant differences appeared for the variable The essence of breast self-examination in the answers before and after the lecture (p=0,01) and for the knowledge difference between the grammar-school students and students of other secondary schools. The grammar-school students proved themselves better, first before the lecture (p=0,045), while the differences after the lecture were even more apparent (p=0.0010). Discussion and conclusion: The pilot research confirmed the differences in the knowledge of adolescent women with respect to the choice of their secondary education. The knowing about breast self-examination and the knowledge of the topics (23 questions) is better for grammar school students than for students of the schools of commerce, hairdressing and arrangement. The results and their comparison with similar studies show that the promotion of care for one`s own health and a changed attitude towards one's own health with newly acquired knowledge at adolescent are indispensable. All attention has to be paid to a regular education of young people.
Keywords     rak dojk
zgodnje odkrivanje raka dojk
promocija zdravja
breast cancer
adolescent women
early detection of breast cancer
health promotion