Author/Editor     Ebert Moltara, Maja; Novaković, Srdjan; Boc, Marko; Bučić, Marina; Reberšek, Martina; Zadnik, Vesna; Ocvirk, Janja
Title     Prevalence of BRAF, NRAS and c-KIT mutations in Slovenian patients with advanced melanoma
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 52, št. 3
Publication year     2018
Volume     str. 289-295
ISSN     1318-2099 - Radiology and oncology
Language     eng
Abstract     BRAF, NRAS and c-KIT mutations are characteristics of tumour tissues that influence on treatment decisions in metastatic melanoma patients. Mutation frequency and their correlation with histological characteristics in Slovenian population have not been investigated yet. Patients and methods. In our retrospective analysis we analysed mutational status of BRAF, NRAS and c-KIT in 230 pathological samples of patients who were intended to be treated with systemic therapy due to metastatic disease at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana between 2013 and 2016. We collected also histological characteristics of primary tumours and clinical data of patients and correlated them with mutational status of tumour samples. Results. The study population consisted of 230 patients with a mean age 59 years (range 25%85). 141 (61.3%) were males and 89 (38.7%) females. BRAF mutations were identified in 129 (56.1%), NRAS in 31 (13.5%) and c-KIT in 3 (1.3%) tissue samples. Among the 129 patients with BRAF mutations, 114 (88.4%) patients had V600E mutation and 15 (11.6%) had V600K mutation. Patients with BRAF mutations tended to be younger at diagnosis (52 vs. 59 years, p < 0.05), patients with NRAS mutations older (61 vs. 55 years, p < 0.05). Number of c-KIT mutations were too low for any statistical correlation, but there was one out of 3 melanoma located in mucus membranes. Conclusions. The analysis detected high rate of BRAF mutations, low NRAS mutations and low c-KIT mutations compared to previously published studies in Europe and North America. One of the main reasons for this observation is specific characteristics of study population.Na odločitev o vrsti zdravljenja bolnikov z napredovalim melanomom lahko pomembno vpliva status mutacij v genih za BRAF, NRAS IN c-KIT. Pogostost mutacij in njihove medsebojne povezave s histološkimi značilnostmi tumorskih tkiv na slovenski populaciji do sedaj še niso bili raziskani. Bolniki in metode. Analizo smo izvedli retrospektivno. Mutacije BRAF, NRAS in c-KIT smo določili na 230 patoloških vzorcih bolnikov, ki smo jih nameravali zdraviti s sistemsko terapijo zaradi metastatskega melanoma na Onkološkem Inštitutu Ljubljana med leti 2013 in 2016. Zbrali smo histološke značilnosti primarnih tumorjev in klinične podatke bolnikov ter jih testirali na medsebojno povezanost z mutacijskim statusom. Rezultati. Povprečna starost 230 bolnikov je bila 59 let (razpon 25%85). Moških je bilo 141 (61,3 %) in žensk 89 (38,7 %). Ugotovili smo 129 (56,1 %) mutacij BRAF, 31 (13,5 %) NRAS in 3 (1,3 %) c-KIT mutacij v tkivnih vzorcih. Med 129 bolniki z mutacijami BRAF je imelo 114 (88,4 %) bolnikov mutacijo V600E in 15 (11,6 %) mutacijo V600K. Bolniki z BRAF mutacijami so bili ob diagnozi mlajši (52 v primerjavi s 59 let, p < 0,05), bolniki z NRAS mutacijami starejši (61 v primerjavi s 55 leti, p < 0,05). Število mutacij c-KIT je bilo prenizko za smiselno testiranje na medsebojne povezanosti, je pa bil eden izmed treh melanomov s c-KIT mutacijo melanom sluznice. Zaključki. Rezultati analize so v skupini slovenskih bolnikov z metastatskim melanomom odkrili visok delež mutacij BRAF ter nizek delež mutacij NRAS in c-KIT v primerjavi s predhodno objavljenimi raziskavami v Evropi in Severni Ameriki. Eden od glavnih vzrokov so specifične značilnosti naše študijske populacije, ki niso bile enake kot značilnosti celotne populacije bolnikov z melanomom.
Keywords     mutacije BRAF
mutacije NRAS
mutacije c-KIT