Author/Editor     Bregar, Branko; Skela-Savič, Brigita; Kajdiž, Karmen; Kores-Plesničar, Blanka
Title     The Heyman Survey of nursing employees' attitudes towards mechanical restraints in Slovenia
Translated title     Heymanova lestvica odnosa zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi do posebnih varovalnih ukrepov v Sloveniji
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 53, št. 1
Publication year     2019
Volume     str. 18-30
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik zdravstvene nege : strokovno glasilo Zveze društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije
Language     eng
Abstract     Introduction: Attitudes of nursing employees towards mechanical restraint are directly connected to their incidence. The purpose of this research was to examine the attitudes of psychiatric nursing staff towards the use and administration of mechanical restraints. Methods: The cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted using a structured Heyman-type survey. All the Slovenian nursing staff in psychiatric hospitals participated on a given day (n = 367). Results: Differences were observed in the average duration of administered mechanical restraint between individual hospitals (x2 = 43.770, p < 0.001). Staff most often stated that patients felt angry when subjected to mechanical restraint (n = 328, 89.4 %). Nonetheless, the majority of respondents believe that mechanical restraints can be an effective therapeutic tool (n = 343, 91.6 %). Females (U = 11450.50, p = 0.025) and with higher education (U = 9527.00, p = 0.002) experience statistically significantly more negative emotions and are less inclined to use mechanical restraints. Discussion and conclusion: It is evident that in addition to the factors we researched some other factors are more influential when the incidences of coercive measures are closely studied. Due to some variation between hospitals it would be advisable to review the current clinical practices in this field. The management of health institutions should be considered an essential factor in the efforts to decrease mechanical restraint use.Uvod: Odnos zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi do posebnih varovalnih ukrepov je povezan z njihovo pojavnostjo. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati odnos zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi do posebnih varovalnih ukrepov. Metode: Izvedena je bila presečna raziskava z uporabo Heymanove lestvice o odnosu do posebnih varovalnih ukrepov med vsemi zaposlenimi v zdravstveni negi (n = 367) v psihiatričnih bolnišnicah v Sloveniji. Rezultati: Med slovenskimi psihiatričnimi bolnišnicami so ugotovljene razlike v trajanju posebnih varovalnih ukrepov (x2 = 43,770, p < 0,001). Zaposleni se najpogosteje strinjajo, da pacient med posebnim varovalnim ukrepom čuti jezo (n = 328, 89,4 %). Kljub temu večina anketirancev verjame, da so posebni varovalni ukrepi lahko učinkovito terapevtsko orodje (n = 343, 91,6 %). Ženske (U = 11450,50, p = 0,025) in višje izobraženi zaposleni (U = 9527,00, p = 0,002) izražajo statistično bolj negativna čustva in manj odobravajo posebne varovalne ukrepe. Diskusija in zaključek: Ob raziskovanju pojavnosti prisilnih ukrepov je jasno, da poleg dejavnikov, raziskovanih v naši študiji, obstajajo tudi drugi, bolj vplivni dejavniki. Zaradi razlik med bolnišnicami bi bilo treba pregledati obstoječo klinično prakso. Predvideva se, da je management zdravstvenih inštitucij pomemben dejavnik pri zmanjšanju pojavnosti posebnih varovalnih ukrepov.
Keywords     nursing
coercive measures
zdravstvena nega
medicinske sestre
prisilni ukrepi