Author/Editor     Weiffenbach, M
Title     Srčne in ledvične bolezni pri otrocih na področju Zdravstvenega doma Železniki in soodvisnost obolenj
Translated title     Heart and renal diseases in children in the catchment area of Železniki and their mutual dependence
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 29, št. 5-6
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 213-21
Language     slo
Abstract     The purpose of our research work was to establish the prevalence of acquired and hereditary disease of urinary tract and hereditary heart diseases in children in the catchment area of Železniki. The data, gathered from patients charts during the outpatient check-ups, were statistically processed and showed the following results: the prevalence of cases of urinary tract infections, vesicourethral reflux and a defect in vesicouretheral tract is the same as described in literature. There were fewer children with enuresis, and some heart disorders have not been observed during the past eight years. On the basis of her knowledge about the signs and symptoms and pathogenesis of the disorders the researcher made nursing diagnoses and pointed out the tasks of the nursing care of children with disorders of heart and urinary tract. The stress in nursing care of these patients should be put on the quality of their lives, the prevention of disorders of blood supply to the tissues and organs and the hightened risk for infections, which puts these patients most at risk.
Summary     Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti pogostnost pridobljenih in prirojenih bolezni sečil in prirojenih oboljenj srca pri otrocih, ki obiskujejo Zdravstveni dom Železniki. Podatki, ki so bili pridobljeni iz kartotek in ob ambulantnih pregledih, je raziskovalka statistično obdelala in ugotovila podobno obolevnost otroka za okužbami sečil, vezikoureteralnim refluksom in defektom v prekatnem pretinu. otrok z enurezo je manj, kot je opisano v literaturi, nekatere srčne hibe se v zadnjih osmih letih niso pojavile. Na osnovi znanja o znakih in simptomih ter patogenezi obolenj je raziskovalka postavila sestrske diagnoze in nakazala naloge zdravstvene nege otrok, obolelih zaradi obolenj srca in sečil. Poudarek zdravstvene nege teh otrok je na izboljšanju kakovosti življenja malih bolnikov, preprečevanju motenj v prekrvavitvi tkiv in organov v povečanemu tveganju za okužbe, ki bolnike najbolj ogrožata.