Author/Editor     Zadnik, T; Jazbec, I; Pengov, A
Title     The effect of transport and storage of bovine blood on the results of biochemical constituents
Translated title     Vpliv transporta in pogojev hrambe na nekatere biokemijske parametre goveje krvi
Type     članek
Source     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. and No.     Letnik 32, št. 1
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 35-42
Language     eng
Abstract     In routine clinical-laboratory practice, especially in determining the matabolic profile test (MPT) in dairy herds the evaluation of laboratory test results frequently presents difficulties. Especially in cases where the values of biochemical constituents are above or below normal values, when the samples have been transported for several days and stored under various conditions prior to analysis. On the basis of extensive field and laboratory researches as well as statistical measurements we have determined the effects of transport and storage of blood (24 and 48 hours and 4, 6, 10, 12, 16 and 60 days) at various temperatures (+4 degrees C, + 20 degrees C and -18 degrees C) on biochemical constituents, which are commonly used in clinical-laboratory research and determination of the metabolic profile test (MPT) in dairy herds in Slovenia. On the basis of the results we have come to the conclusion that the blood samples not older than 2 to 3 days are appropriate for clinical laboratory research and for the matabolic profile test (Ca, iP, Mg. K and total serum proteins). When interpreting the results, we should keep in mind that if they are older, the concentration of serum Na and total serum proteins (TSP) may be higher. The established deviations are of great importance for accurate interpretation of laboratory test results and the MP-test. After a two-days car transport of whole blood to a laboratory the mean concentration of serum Na and K have statistically significantly increased. The storage of serum in freezer (-18 degrees C) proved appropriate, namely, with the except ion of Na and TSP, the other investigated constituents did not show any statistically significant variations.(Abstract runcated)
Descriptors     BLOOD