Author/Editor     Selič, P
Title     Stres in bolezen
Translated title     Stress and sickness
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 27, št. 3-4
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 147-67
Language     slo
Abstract     The review article proposes a modern bio-psychosocial (holistic) understanding of the relationship between stress and sickness. Stress plays the decisive role in the development of both somatic and emotional disturbances. It affects health in two ways; directly, as a consequence of physiological changes, and indirectly, through behaviour. The latter is connected with influence of social mobility (geographical, cultural and status) on health and with the concept of social changes. Special emphasis was placed on behaviour patterns and stressful, events, among which the role of loss (of an object) and mourning were exposed. After reviewing a considerable number of researches on the relationship between stressful events and human bio-psychosocial state, various and extremely complex findings were summarised, although it is practically impossible to present them in a simple and succinct form. The majority of results will not allow simplified generalisation, as certain discoveries are even somewhat contradictory and often with obvious methodological limitations. When compiling such reviews one gets the impression that we actually know less about this topic than we may think and that, together with our knowledge, grows also the awareness of how much we do not yet know.