Author/Editor     Černe Kržišnik, Nika; Prosen, Mirko
Title     Rojstvo nedonošenega otroka in podpora zdravstvenih delavcev z vidika mater
Translated title     The birth of a premature infant and the support of health care professionals as experienced by the mothers
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 53, št. 3
Publication year     2019
Volume     str. 200-210
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik zdravstvene nege : strokovno glasilo Zveze društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Zdravstveno osebje ima velik vpliv na doživljanje staršev ob rojstvu nedonošenega otroka. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti in predstaviti doživljanje mater ob rojstvu nedonošenega otroka. Metode: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna fenomenološka analiza. Na namenskem vzorcu enajstih mater, ki so imele izkušnjo rojstva nedonošenega otroka, rojenega med 24. in 35. tednom gestacije, so bili izvedeni delno strukturirani intervjuji. Najmlajša intervjuvanka je bila ob porodu stara 24 let in najstarejša 36. Za osem izmed njih je bil porod nedonošenega otroka prvi porod. Raziskava je potekala med majem in junijem 2017. Podatki so bili analizirani s pomočjo Giorgijevega pristopa, značilnega za fenomenološko raziskavo. Rezultati: Strukturo opisa sestavljajo štiri tematske skupine, ki opredeljujejo doživljanje mater ob rojstvu nedonošenega otroka: (1) potek poroda: želje in pričakovanja; (2) reprezentacijo materinstva: čustvovanje, navezanost, empatijo, spomine; (3) čustvovanje in skrb za nedonošenega otroka v poporodnem obdobju ter (4) (ne)profesionalnost zdravstvenih delavcev. Diskusija in zaključek: Izsledki raziskave kažejo, da je večina mater iskala vzroke prezgodnjega poroda. Veliko jim je pomenila podpora svojcev, zdravstvenih delavcev ter %sotrpink% z oddelka. Večina mater se je med porodom in hospitalizacijo soočala z negativnimi občutki; empatičen odnos zaposlenih jih je spodbujal in navdajal z upanjem ter zaupanjem.Introduction: Health care professionals have a considerable impact on how parents experience the birth of a premature infant. The purpose of the study was to research and present findings on the mothers' experience of the birth of a premature infant. Methods: A descriptive phenomenological analysis was carried out. The purposive sample contained eleven mothers who have experienced the premature birth of a child, delivered at between 24 and 35 weeks of gestation. The youngest mother at birth was 24 age old and the oldest mother at birth was 36. For eight mothers premature birth was their first birth experience. The research was conducted between May and June 2017. Data was analysed using the Giorgi approach, which is typically used in phenomenological research. Results: The description has been divided into four main topics that discuss the experience of mothers with preterm childbirth: (1) course of childbirth: wishes and expectations, (2) representation of motherhood: feelings, attachment, empathy, memories, (3) feelings and care for a premature infant in the postpartum period, and (4) (un)professional behaviour of health care staff. Discussion and conclusion: The research has found that most mothers tried to understand the causes for premature birth. Mothers highly valued the support of relatives, health care professionals and other mothers of premature infants. Most mothers experienced negative emotions during childbirth and hospitalisation and an empathic attitude of the staff attitude gave them encouragement, hope and trust.
Keywords     prezgodnji porod
zdravstvena vzgoja
medosebni odnosi
preterm birth
health education
home care
community nurse