Author/Editor     Čižman Štaba, Urša; Klun, Tara
Title     Samozavedanje in vožnja avtomobila pri bolnikih z nevrološko okvaro
Translated title     Self-awareness and driving in patients with neurological impairment
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 18, št. 2
Publication year     2019
Volume     str. 11-18
ISSN     1580-9315 - Rehabilitacija
Language     slv
Abstract     Izhodišča: Pri bolnikih z nevrološkimi okvarami se pojavljajo različne motorične, vidne, kognitivne in druge omejitve. Rezultati raziskav potrjujejo, da so ti bolniki tudi pogosteje udeleženi v prometnih nesrečah. V raziskavi nas je zanimalo, kako bolniki z nevrološkimi okvarami ocenjujejo svojo zmožnost vožnje pred in po poškodbi/bolezni. Metode: Primerjali smo samooceno s končnim rezultatom preizkusa vožnje (opravil/opravil z omejitvami/ni opravil) in izvedli tudi nevropsihološko testiranje, ki je zajemalo oceno hitrosti kognitivnega procesiranja informacij, pozornost, vidnoprostorskih sposobnosti, spominskih sposobnosti in izvršilnih sposobnosti. V vzorec smo vključili 63 bolnikov (54 moških), od tega 45 oseb z nezgodno možgansko poškodbo in 18 oseb z možgansko kapjo. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da osebe, ki opravijo preizkus vožnje s prilagoditvami, in osebe, ki ga ne opravijo, ocenjujejo varnost svoje vožnje po poškodbi podobno kot osebe, ki preizkus vožnje dejansko opravijo, pri čemer dosegajo osebe iz prve skupine (ni opravil/opravil s prilagoditvami) nižje dosežke na testih pozornosti in koncentracije, vidnega sledenja in besednega učenja. Zaključek: Bolnik z možgansko poškodbo ali drugo nevrološko okvaro, ki je brez ustreznega uvida, pomeni nevarnost za promet, zato je smiselno, da predvsem pri bolnikih po zmernih in težjih možganskih poškodbah pri podajanju končnega mnenja upoštevamo njegovo samozavedanje.Background: Many patients with neurological disorders suffer from various motor, visual, cognitive and other deficits. The results from different studies have confirmed that this group of patients is also more often involved in road accidents. In the present study, we were interested in how patients with neurological disorders perceive their ability to drive before and after acquired brain injury. Methods: We compared self-assessment with the final result of the driving test (passing/passing with restrictions/failing). Neuropsychological assessment was carried out to assess the speed of information processing, attention, visuospatial abilities, memory abilities, and executive function. Sixty-three patients (54 men) were included in the sample; 45 of them were traumatic brain injury survivors and 18 were with stroke survivors. Results: The results showed that the participants who passed the driving test with restrictions and those who did not pass assessed the safety of their driving in a similar way to those who actually passed the driving test. The participants in the first group (failing the driving test/passing with restrictions) had lower results on attention and concentration tests, visual tracking and verbal learning tests. Conclusion: A patient with a neurological impairment and without proper insight poses a possible threat in traffic, so it is reasonable to consider assessing self-awareness, especially in patients with moderate and severe brain injury.
Descriptors     Brain Injuries
Automobile Driving
Keywords     acquired brain injuries
car driving
cognitive functioning
pridobljene možganske poškodbe
vožnja avtomobila
kognitivne sposobnosti