Author/Editor     Uziel, Yosef; Moshe, Veronica; Onozo, Beata; Kulcsár, Andrea; Tróbert-Sipos, Diána; Akikusa, Jonathan D; Salviato Pileggi, Gecilmara; Maritsi, Despoina; Kasapcopur, Ozgur; Smerla, Roubini; Toplak, Nataša
Title     Live attenuated MMR/V booster vaccines in children with rheumatic diseases on immunosuppressive therapy are safe
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 9
Publication year     2020
Volume     str. 2198-2201
ISSN     0264-410X - Vaccine
Language     eng
Keywords     vaccination
biologic therapies
juvenile idiopathic arthritis
measles, mumps, rubella booster
varicella booster