Author/Editor     Vršnik, Petra; Bregar, Branko
Title     Zdravstvena nega pacienta, ki je samomorilno ogrožen
Translated title     Nursing of patients at a risk of suicide
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 54, št. 1
Publication year     2020
Volume     str. 52-63
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik zdravstvene nege : strokovno glasilo Zveze društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Vloga medicinske sestre je pri obravnavi samomorilno ogroženih pacientov ena izmed ključnih za preprečevanje pojavnosti samomora. Namen raziskave je bil pregledati literaturo s področja zdravstvene nege samomorilno ogroženih pacientov v Sloveniji in tujini. Metode: Izveden je bil pregled literature v podatkovnih bazah PubMed, CINAHL, Google Učenjak in Obzornik zdravstvene nege od marca 2018 do septembra 2018. Napredno iskanje je potekalo s pomočjo Bullovega logičnega operatorja AND (IN), s kombinacijo naslednjih ključih besed: "psychiatric nursing care", "the role of nurses", "nurse prevention suicide", "suicidal patients" in "mental health nursing". V slovenščini smo uporabili ključno besedo "samomor". Izmed 2101 zadetkov je bilo v kvalitativno vsebinsko analizo vključenih 17 zadetkov oziroma člankov. Rezultati: Viri so razporejeni glede na identificirane kode v kategorijo "Vloga medicinske sestre in pomen zdravstvene nege", ki se deli na štiri pripadajoče podkategorije: (1) "Dejavnosti oziroma aktivnosti medicinske sestre za preprečevanje samomorov", (2) "Terapevtski odnos in komunikacija medicinske sestre s samomorilno ogroženim pacientom", (3) "Problemi medicinske sestre pri obravnavi samomorilno ogroženega pacient" in (4) "Ukrepi za izboljšanje obravnave in preprečevanje samomora". Diskusija in zaključek: Medicinske sestre se lahko na vseh ravneh zdravstvenih dejavnosti srečujejo s posamezniki, ki imajo samomorilne misli. Z načinom obravnave in odziva na njihovo stisko lahko vplivajo na počutje posameznika. Za učinkovito delo morajo medicinske sestre pridobiti dodatna znanja s področja prepoznave, ocenjevanja in preprečevanja samomorov.Introduction: The role of a nurse in the treatment of patients who are at a risk of suicide is one of the key factors in suicide prevention. The purpose of the study was to review the literature dealing with nursing of patients at a risk of suicide in Slovenia and abroad. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted in databases PubMed, CINAHL, Google Scholar andthe Slovenian Nursing Review from March 2018 to September 2018. Advanced search was conducted with the Boolean operator AND, and the following key words: "psychiatric nursing care", "the role of nurses", "nurse prevention suicide", "suicidal patients" and "mental health nursing". In Slovenian the key word "samomor" was used. Of 2101 search results, 17 sources or articles were included in the qualitative content analysis. Results: The articles are classified according to identified codes in the category: "a nurse's role and the importance of nursing" that is divided into four sub-categories: (1) Nursing activities or activities for prevention of suicide, (2) Therapeutic attitude and communication of a nurse with a patient at a risk of suicide, (3) A nurse's problems in dealing with a patient at a risk of suicide and (4) Actions to improve treatment and prevent suicide. Discussion and conclusion: Nurses are likely to encounter patients who have suicidal thoughts in all areas of their practice. Nurses can affect patients' well-being with the manner in which they take care of them and respond to their distress. To work efficiently, nurses should obtain special knowledge on identifying, evaluation and prevention of suicide
Keywords     suicid
medicinske sestre
duševno zdravje
mental health