Author/Editor     Cilar, Leona; Pajnkihar, Majda
Title     Opis, analiza in vrednotenje teorije medosebnih odnosov Hildegard E. Peplau v pediatrični zdravstveni negi
Translated title     Description, analysis and evaluation of the Theory of Interpersonal Relations by Hildegard E. Peplau in pediatric nursing
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 54, št. 1
Publication year     2020
Volume     str. 64-78
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik zdravstvene nege : strokovno glasilo Zveze društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Temeljne značilnosti pediatrične zdravstvene nege so najboljša skrb za otroka, vzdrževanje integritete družine in otrokove rutine ter posebna znanja in spretnosti za negovanje otroka. Teorija medosebnih odnosov poudarja pomen medosebnega odnosa med medicinsko sestro in pacientom, ki se razvija skozi posamezne faze medsebojnega odnosa. Namen opisa, analize in vrednotenja teorije je ugotoviti možnost prenosa in uporabe teorije v praksi pediatrične zdravstvene nege. Metode: Uporabljen je bil pregled znanstvene in strokovne literature v naslednjih podatkovnih bazah: Web of Science, ProQuest, Medline, PubMed, ScienceDirect in CINAHL. Upoštevana so bila priporočila PRISMA. Identificirane zadetke smo uvrstili v nivo glede na hierarhijo dokazov in ocenili kakovost s pomočjo priporočil GRADE. Teorijo smo opisali, analizirali in evalvirali po modelu avtorice M. Pajnkihar. Rezultati: Izmed 321 identificiranih zadetkov je bilo v končno analizo vključeno 21 zadetkov. S pomočjo analize identificiranih zadetkov ugotavljamo, da večina avtorjev teorijo medosebnih odnosov opredeli kot teorijo srednjega obsega. V veliki meri se strinjajo, da je teorija enostavna in kompleksna ter ima jasno opisane koncepte, propozicije in predpostavke. Fenomen medosebnih odnosov je jasen medicinskim sestram v kliničnem okolju. Diskusija in zaključek: Teorija je uporabna za prakso zdravstvene nege, raziskovanje in izobraževanje. Pred aplikacijo teorije v prakso in izobraževanje na področju pediatrične zdravstvene nege je treba teorijo testirati. Teorija podpira razvoj medosebnih odnosov ter verbalne in neverbalne komunikacije in jo lahko uporabimo za prakso, podprto s teorijo.Introduction: The basic characteristics of pediatric nursing include the best possible care for the child, the maintenance of family integrity and the child's routine, as well as the special knowledge and skills needed for the care of a child. The theory of interpersonal relations emphasizes the importance of interpersonal relations between a nurse and a patient, which develops through phases of interpersonal relations. The aim of the description, analysis and evaluation of the theory is to determine the possibility of transferring and using the theory in the practice of pediatric nursing. Methods: A review of the scientific and professional literature was used in the following databases: Web of Science, ProQuest, Medline, PubMed, ScienceDirect and CINAHL. PRISMA recommendations were considered. We ranked the identified search hits according to the hierarchy of evidence, and evaluated the quality of the study using the GRADE recommendations. The theory was described, analyzed and evaluated according to Pajnkihar's model. Results: Of the 321 identified hits, 21 were included in the final analysis. Through the analysis of the identified hits, we have found that most authors define the theory of interpersonal relations as medium-range theory. They also generally agree that the theory is simple as well as complex, and has clearly described concepts, propositions and assumptions. The phenomenon of interpersonal relations is clear to nurses in a clinical setting. Discussion and conclusion: The theory is useful for nursing practice, research, and education. Testing the theory in pediatric nursing is required before applying the theory in practice and education. The theory supports the development of interpersonal relations, as well as verbal and non-verbal communication and may be used in theory-based practice.
Keywords     medosebni odnosi
zdravstvena nega
pediatrična zdravstvena nega
interpersonal relationships
nursing care
pediatric nursing
nursing theory