Author/Editor     Lunder, Mojca; Bratkovič, Tomaž; Štrukelj, Borut
Title     Podporno zdravljenje covid-19 in preprečevanje okužbe s SARS-CoV-2
Translated title     Supportive therapy for covid-19 and preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 71, št. 2
Publication year     2020
Volume     str. 141-147
ISSN     0014-8229 - Farmacevtski vestnik : strokovno glasilo slovenske farmacije
Language     slv
Abstract     Ob pojavu pandemije bolezni covid-19 se je povečalo zanimanje za nekatera prehranska dopolnila, zdravila iz skupine nesteroidnih antirevmatikov, razkužila in obrazne maske. Ob številnih nasprotujočih si informacijah je vloga farmacevta pri svetovanju izjemno pomembna. Prehranska dopolnila, kot so vitamin C, vitamin D in cinkove soli, lahko pomembno prispevajo k splošnemu zdravstvenemu stanju pri pomanjkljivi prehrani in v zimskem obdobju, a dokazov o njihovi zaščitni vlogi pri preprečevanju ali zdravljenju covid-19 ni. Znanstvene raziskave so se poglobile v ugotavljanje, ali lahko jemanje nekaterih učinkovin, med katere sodi tudi ibuprofen, poslabša potek te bolezni. Do sedaj zbrani podatki ne kličejo po posebnih opozorilih in prenehanju jemanja. V smislu preventive bodo razkužila in obrazne maske še nekaj časa aktualni, zato sta pomembni njihova pravilna in varna raba.With the onset of the covid-19 pandemic, there has been an increased interest in certain dietary supplements, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, disinfectants and face masks. With a lot of contradictory information, the role of a pharmacist in counseling is extremely important. Dietary supplements such as vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc salts can make an important contribution to overall health in malnutrition and during winter season, however, there is no evidence for their protective role in prevention or treatment of covid-19. Scientific research has been committed to determine whether taking certain medicines, including ibuprofen, can worsen the course of covid-19. Data collected thus far does not call for special warnings and interruption of their usage. In terms of prevention, disinfectants and face masks will remain relevant for some time, so their correct and safe use is important.
Descriptors     Pandemije
Prehranska dopolnila
Keywords     covid-19
obrazne maske