Author/Editor     Trontelj, Benjamin; Brodnik, Jana; Brezovar, Darinka; Korelc, Simona; Merhar, Anita; Groleger Sršen, Katja
Title     Ocena zmožnosti vožnje z vozičkom za otroke na testnem poligonu
Translated title     Assessment of children's wheelchair mobility skills on the test polygon
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 19, št. 1
Publication year     2020
Volume     str. 41-50
ISSN     1580-9315 - Rehabilitacija
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Na izbiro ustreznega vozička za premikanje v zaprtih prostorih in na prostem vplivajo funkcijske zmožnosti otroka. Po predpisu in prevzemu vozička pa se mora otrok uporabe vozička tudi naučiti. Želeli smo najti ustrezni test za ocenjevanje obvladovanja vozička in vožnje z njim ali pa razviti lastnega. Metode: V zbirki Medline smo iskali test, ki bi ga lahko uporabili za otroke, ki se vožnje še učijo, ne glede na diagnozo. Ker ga nismo našli, smo izdelali lastni test, v katerega smo vključili 31 postavk. V začetna testiranja smo vključili otroke, ki so bili od junija 2019 do januarja 2020 vključeni v program rehabilitacije. Za standardizirano ocenjevanje vožnje z vozičkom smo izdelali tudi testni poligon. Rezultati: Testiranje s prvo različico je opravil en otrok, z drugo pa 13 otrok, večinoma s cerebralno paralizo (povprečna starost 9 let). Otroci so najvišje povprečne rezultate dosegli pri osnovni vožnji z vozičkom na aktivni pogon (80 % možnih točk) oz. na elektromotorni pogon (88 %). Najnižji povprečni rezultat so dosegli pri fizičnem obvladovanju vozička (24 %). Zaključek: Otroci imajo različne zmožnosti za vožnjo z vozičkom na poligonu. Največ težav imajo pri fizičnem obvladovanju vozička in vključevanju v cestni promet. Za testni list bomo v nadaljevanju preverili psihometrične lastnosti.Introduction: The choice of the appropriate wheelchair category is influenced by the functional abilities of the child. Later, the child must also learn how to use his/her wheelchair. We wanted to find a suitable test or develop our own. Methods: In the Medline database, we searched for a test that could be used for children who are still learning to drive, regardless of diagnosis. Because we could not find any, we developed our own test, which comprises 31 items. In the preliminary testing phase, we included children who were referred to the rehabilitation program from June 2019 to January 2020. We also created a test polygon to assess wheelchair driving in a standardised way. Results: Testing with the first version was performed by one child, and with the second version by 13 children, mostly with cerebral palsy (mean age 9 years). Children achieved the highest average results in the basic driving skills domain with an active wheelchair and electric-powered wheelchair (80 % and 88 % of possible score, respectively). The lowest average result was achieved in the domain of physical control of the wheelchair (24 %). Conclusion: Children have different abilities to drive a wheelchair on the polygon. They mostly have problems with the physical control of the wheelchair and joining the traffic. Further research is needed for assessing psychometric properties of the test.
Descriptors     Wheelchairs
Keywords     minimal clinically important difference
wheelchair mobility skills
invalidski voziček
obvladovanje vozička