Author/Editor     Kolar, B
Title     Potres 1895, vera in versko življenje prebivalcev takratne Ljubljane
Translated title     The earthquake, faith and religious life of inhabitans of Ljubljana in 1895
Type     članek
Source     In: Zupanič-Slavec Z, editor. Zbornik referatov Medicinski in socialni pogledi na ljubljanski potres 1895. Ob 50-letnici Inštituta za zgodovino medicine in 100-letnici bolnišnice na Zaloški cesti v Ljubljani; 1995 apr 20-21; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut za zgodovino medicine,
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 117-26
Language     slo
Abstract     The article deals with the impact of the earthquake (14. April 1895) on the ecclesiastical circles and on the worshippers in Ljubljana. Beside the aid that was organized immediately after the earthquake a lot of attention was paid to the heavy damage caused to church buildings, especially to some parish churches in Ljubljana and its surroundings. In that occasion an extraordinarily great solidarity among church communities was manifested, not only in Ljubljana parish but also in other places; the diocese in Maribor and Celovec organized fund raising for the victims of the earthquake in all the parishes. For better understanding of the view points of Church authorities on the earthquake, the pastoral epistle written by the bishop of Ljubljana, dr. Jakob Missia, is presented. Missia, being a theologian and pastoral worker, had his specific views on the earthquake and he explained his ideas according to the hundred years old church doctrine concerning such events. Different religious exercises were organized immediately after the first shocks of earthquake, expressing thanks that the earthquake, expressing thanks that the earthquake had not caused even bigger damage and praying that in future people would not have to endure such tests. Again, worshipping of the saints, known as protectors against the earthquakes, came to practice. As a permanent sign of the after earthquake period the workshippers in Ljubljana parish took the vow that every year at Easter they would organize a special earthquake ritual and build the church of St. Joseph, the protector of Slovene provinces. In this church the rituals should be performed. But after the second world war people could not keep their vow. It was not until 1995 that they could gather again in this church. Also some other church communities decided to organize similar thanks giving rituals and prayers.