Author/Editor     Marjanovič, Benjamin; Nabergoj, Marko; Poberaj, Boris
Title     Case Example 2
Type     članek
Source     In: Massive and irreparable rotator cuff tears : from basic science to advanced treatments Berlin : Springer
Publication year     2020
Volume     str. 361-366
Language     eng
Abstract     Rotator cuff plays an important role in preventing glenohumeral instability as it stabilizes and centers the humeral head in the glenoid fossa through concavity compression mechanism. Capsulolabral lesion is a very common finding in a dislocated shoulder but a single dislocation event may also disrupt a rotator cuff, which is already weakened from overuse injury in younger athletes and from age-related degeneration in elderly. We must be careful in assessing a patient with persisting pain and weakness up to 3 weeks after an anterior shoulder dislocation and consider further investigations to exclude a rotator cuff injury. Surgical repair of either the rotator cuff, the capsulolabral structure, or both has been proposed in patients with recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation. Currently, there are no definitive answers on which surgical treatments bring the best clinical results.
Keywords     ortopedija
ramenski sklep
rotatorne manšete
nestabilnost ramenskega sklepa
shoulder instability
rotator cuff