Author/Editor     Merhar, Anita; Snedic, Anja; Brezovar, Darinka; Korelc Primc, Simona; Trontelj, Benjamin; Istenič, Andreja; Brodnik, Jana
Title     V katere aktivnosti v domačem okolju se vključujejo otroci z okvaro živčevja?
Translated title     In which activities are children with neurologic impairment engaging in their home environment?
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 19, št. 2
Publication year     2020
Volume     str. 24-32
ISSN     1580-9315 - Rehabilitacija
Language     slv
Abstract     Izhodišča: Nabor kartic z aktivnostmi za otroka (angl. Paediatric activity card sort, PACS) je ocenjevalni instrument, sestavljen iz nabora kartic s fotografijami aktivnosti, značilnih za otroško obdobje. Uporaben je pri otrocih v starostnem obdobju od pet do 14 let pri vseh funkcijskih stanjih (diagnozah), če le-ta otroka ne ovira pri prepoznavi slik in razumevanju navodil. Otroku omogoča aktivno vlogo pri postavljanju ciljev terapije. Ker PACS izvira iz Kanade in je sestavljen na naboru aktivnosti kanadskih otrok, nas je zanimala uporabnost pri otrocih v Sloveniji. Metode dela: V raziskavo smo vključili 26 otrok, starih od 6 do 14 let, ki so bili na Oddelku za rehabilitacijo otrok Univerzitetnega rehabilitacijskega inštituta Republike Slovenije Soča vključeni v bolnišnično obravnavo. Ocenjevalni instrument smo uporabili v začetnem delu procesa delovno-terapevtske obravnave. Rezultati: Pri ocenjevanju s PACS smo ugotovili, da so otroci najpogosteje vključeni v izvedbo aktivnosti v kategoriji skrbi zase (78 %), najnižji delež aktivnosti, ki jih otroci izvajajo/so vključeni, predstavlja kategorija športnih aktivnosti (36 %). Otroci so za cilje najpogosteje izbrali aktivnosti iz kategorije športnih aktivnosti (19 %), najredkeje pa so si otroci izbrali cilje s področja šolskih in produktivnih aktivnosti (12 %). Dodani so bili novi predlogi aktivnosti, največ s področja skrbi zase in športnih aktivnosti. Zaključki: Ocenjujemo, da je PACS uporaben instrument, saj terapevtu in otroku pomaga pri izboru aktivnosti. Izkazalo se je, da so znotraj nabora aktivnosti nekatere, ki so slovenskim otrokom tuje in jih tudi za cilje niso nikoli izbrali. Za dokončno oceno uporabnosti PACS v slovenskem prostoru bi morali raziskavo razširiti in v prihodnje vključiti večji vzorec otrok v Sloveniji. Glede na rezultate bi bilo mogoče pripraviti prilagojeno različico PACS za slovensko okolje, ki bi bila delovnim terapevtom in otrokom v pomoč pri uspešnem iskanju ciljev terapevtskih obravnav.Background : Paediatric activity card sort (PACS) is an assessment tool consisting of a set of cards with photographs of activities typical for the childhood period. It is designed for children from 5 to 14 years of age, encompassing any functional state or diagnosis as long as the child does not have problems with recognising the images and understanding the instructions for the assessment. PACS enables the child to have an active role in selecting therapy goals. As PACS originates from Canada, it is based on the activities of Canadian children. The aim of this study was to assess the applicability of the PACS for Slovenian children. Methods: We included 26 children from 6 to 14 years of age, hospitalized at the Department for (Re)habilitation of Children at the University Rehabilitation Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We performed the PACS assessment at the beginning of the occupational therapy. Results: The children most frequently participated in the category of personal self-care activities (78 %) and the least frequently in sports activities (36 %). The analysis of the chosen goals showed that the children were most frequently motivated to improve in sports activities (19 %). The least frequently chosen goals where from the school/productivity category (12 %). There are some activities that were never chosen by Slovenian children, or were chosen very rarely. There were also some new suggestions for activities, mostly in the category of personal self-care and sports activities. Conclusions: PACS has proved to be a useful assessment tool for selecting occupational therapy goals for children. It helps the occupational therapist and the child to search and select the goals. It enables the child to be an active member in the process of goal setting. Some of activities from PACS were never chosen by Slovenian children, so we believe that some activities should be modified or added in the Slovenian PACS version. A larger group of children should be assessed for the final evaluation of PACS in the Slovenian cultural environment, which would enable us to prepare the Slovenian version of PACS.
Keywords     otrok
nabor kartic z aktivnostmi za otroka
delovna terapija
paediatric activity card sort
occupational therapy