Author/Editor     Tomas, Lukas; Edsfeldt, Andreas; Mollet, Inês G.; Perisic Matic, Ljubica; Prehn, Cornelia; Adamski, Jerzy; Paulsson-Berne, Gabrielle; Hedin, Ulf; Nilsson, Jan; Bengtsson, Eva
Title     Altered metabolism distinguishes high-riskfrom stable carotid atherosclerotic plaques
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 24
Publication year     2018
Volume     str. 2301-2310
ISSN     0195-668X - European heart journal
Language     eng
Keywords     atherosclerotic plaque
metabolic and inflammatory processes
altered metabolism
aterosklerotični plak
presnovni in vnetni procesi
spremenjena presnova