Author/Editor     Perviz, Amal; Bole, Urban; Bregar, Branko
Title     Odnos medicinskih sester do pacienta, odvisnega od prepovedanih drog
Translated title     The attitude of nurses towards patients addicted to illicit drugs
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 55, št. 2
Publication year     2021
Volume     str. 113-124
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik zdravstvene nege : strokovno glasilo Zveze društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Odnos medicinskih sester do pacientov, odvisnih od prepovedanih drog, je dejavnik, ki vpliva tako na izid zdravljenja kot na rehabilitacijo pacientov, odvisnih od prepovedanih drog. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati odnos medicinskih sester do zdravstvene obravnave pacientov, odvisnih od prepovedanih drog. Metode: Uporabili smo analizo in sintezo pregleda dokazov iz zbirk podatkov CINAHL, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, SpringerLink, WILEY in PubMed. Omejitvena kriterija iskanja sta bila: objava članka med letoma 2008 in 2018 ter dostopnost celotnega besedila članka v angleščini. Oblikovan je bil konceptualni model PICOT s ključnimi besedami: "nurses", "substance use disorders","attitudes". Ocena kakovosti dokazov je prikazana v hierarhiji dokazov. Podatki so bili obdelani s tematsko analizo. Rezultati: V končni pregled je bilo vključenih 18 izbranih ustreznih člankov, identificiranih je bilo 68 kod, ki so združene v pet vsebinskih kategorij: (1) dejavniki vpliva na negativen medosebni odnos; (2) dejavniki vpliva na pozitivnejši medosebni odnos; (3) psihopatološki, vedenjski in drugi dejavniki tveganja na strani pacienta, ki imajo pomen za kakovost medosebnega odnosa; (4) posledice neustreznega odnosa medicinskih sester za zdravstveno obravnavo pacientov; (5) ukrepi za preprečevanje predsodkov in stigmatizacije pacientov, odvisnih od prepovedanih drog. Diskusija in zaključek: Raziskava potrjuje negativni odnos medicinskih sester do pacientov, odvisnih od prepovedanih drog. Določeni dejavniki so povezani tako z negativnim kot s pozitivnim odnosom medicinskih sester do teh pacientov. Njihovo proučevanje in posledice za zdravstveno oskrbo pacientov, odvisnih od prepovedanih drog, pa zahtevajo dodatne raziskave.Introduction: The attitude of nurses towards patients addicted to illicit drugs is one of the factors that affects both the outcome of treatment and the rehabilitation of patients addicted to illicit drugs. The objective of this study is to investigate the attitude of nurses towards the treatment of patients addicted to illicit drugs. Methods: We analyzed and synthesized reviewed evidence, which were collected in the CINAHL, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, SpringerLink, WILEY, and PubMed. The search limiting criteria were: the publication of articles between 2008 to 2018 and articles available in the English language. We created a PICOT conceptual model using the following keywords: nurses, substance use disorders and attitudes. The assessment of the quality of evidence is shown in the hierarchy of evidence. The data were processed with a thematic qualitative analysis. Results: We reviewed 18 relevant articles to identify 68 codes, which can be classified into 5 content categories: (1) factors of influence on negative interpersonal relationships, (2) factors of influence on positive interpersonal relationships, (3) psychopathological, behavioral, and other factors on part of the patient, which all have a significant impact on the quality of interpersonal relationships, (4) the consequences of an inadequate attitude of nurses towards patient care, and (5) the measures for preventing prejudice and stigmatization of patients addicted to illicit drugs. Discussion and conclusion: The study has confirmed a negative attitude of nurses towards patients addicted to illicit drugs. Certain factors are related both to negative and positive attitudes of nurses towards patients addicted to illicit drugs. Studying these factors and their consequences on nursing care received by patients addicted to illicit drugs, however, requires additional research.
Keywords     zdravstvena nega
psihoaktivne snovi
medicinske sestre
psychoactive substances