Author/Editor     Komadina, Dominik; Bolčina, Katja
Title     Nove usmeritve zdravstvene vzgoje
Translated title     New health education strategies
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 65, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. I-7-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The urgent need to substitute the medical with the socioecological model of health and the subsequent need for thoroughly changing health education policy and health education methodology, were brought about by changing of social and coprehensive ecological norms and worths. New health education policy must find its background in partnership for health, spirit of intersectoral collaboration and new understanding of health. Conclusions. Long term efficiency and effectiveness of the existent health care system can be provided only by the new policy of health education.
Summary     Izhodišča. Spreminjanje socialnih, ekoloških ter družbenih vrednot in norm poudarja nujo po zamenjavi medicinskega s socialno ekološkim modelom zdravja in zato po koreniti spremembi politike in metodologije zdravstvene vzgoje. Nova politika zdravstvene vzgoje mora temeljiti na partnerstvu za zdravje v duhu medsektorskega sodelovanja in na novem razumevanju pojma zdravja. Zaključki. Le nova politika zdravstvene vzgoje lahko obstoječemu zdravstvenemu sistemu omogoči dolgoročno unčikovitost in rentabilnost.
Descriptors     HEALTH EDUCATION