Author/Editor     Škapin, Marta
Title     Zobozdravstvena vzgoja otrok in mladine
Translated title     Children dental education
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 65, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. I-25-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. This paper examines the dimensions and aspects of children dental education. Group and individual elements of children dental education are presented, as well as the laic and professional groups that have been subdued to dental education are dealth with. Results. An 8-year long monitoring of caries of children in Slovenia results in a constant downward trend of caries and the percentage of children not damaged by caries is evident. In communities the results vary, partly due to the lack of constant and sufficient dental education work. Conclusions. In order to enable all the inhabitants of Slovenia a sufficient and most of all a permanent dental education, some obstacles that prevent better results and some suggestions for their improvement are enumerated.
Summary     Izhodišča.V prispevku sta prikazana obseg in vsebina zdravstvenovzgojnega dela v otroškem in mladinskem zobozdravstvu. Našteti so skupinski in individualni elementi zdravstvene vzgoje, uporabljeni pri otrocih in mladini, ter do sedaj upoštevane laične in strokovne ciljne skupine, kjer ta vzgoja poteka. Rezultati. 8-letno spremljanje trenda zobne gnilobe pri otrocih v Sloveniji kaže njegovo konstantno upadanje, odstotni delež otrok brez zobne gnilobe pa je v porastu. Obstajao razlike v posameznih občinah, tudi zaradi neenakomernega in nezadostnega izvajanja zdravstvenovzgojnega dela. Zaključki. Naštete so nekatere ovire in predlagane izboljšave, da bi bili zobozdravstvene vzgoje deležni vsi prebivalci Slovenije v zadostni in predvsem stalni obliki.