Author/Editor     Hu, Pu; Liu, Ji; Maita, Isabella; Kwok, Christopher; Gu, Edward; Gergues, Mark M.; Kelada, Frederric; Phan, Mimi L.; Zhou, Jiang-Ning; Swaab, Dick Frans
Title     Chronic stress induces maladaptive behaviors by activating corticotropin-releasing hormone signaling in the mouse oval bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 12
Publication year     2020
Volume     str. 2519-2537
ISSN     0270-6474 - The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Language     eng
Keywords     anxiety
chronic stress
corticotropin releasing hormone
kronični stres
kortikotropin sproščujoči hormon