Author/Editor     Kmetec, Sergej; Fekonja, Zvonka; Škrbić, Svetlana; Mlinar Reljić, Nataša
Title     Doživljanje umiranja z vidika medicinskih sester
Translated title     Experiencing the dying process from a nurse's perspective
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 55, št. 4
Publication year     2021
Volume     str. 264‐273
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik zdravstvene nege : strokovno glasilo Zveze društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: V enotah intenzivne terapije se medicinske sestre dnevno soočajo z umiranjem. To jim predstavlja velike obremenitve, ki vodijo do stiske. Namen pregleda literature je ugotoviti, kaj doživljajo medicinske sestre ob umirajočih pacientih v enotah intenzivne terapije in kako se soočajo z umiranjem.Metode: Uporabljena je metoda pregleda literature. Iskanje je bilo izvedeno v bazah podatkov: PubMed, ScienceDirect, SAGE, Web of Science in CINAHL na osnovi vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijev. Proces iskanja literature je prikazan z diagramom PRISMA. Za analizo in sintezo podatkov je bila uporabljena metoda tematske analize. Rezultati: Od 1.886 zadetkov smo v končno analizo vključili 10 člankov. Na podlagi tematske analize smo oblikovali dve glavni temi: (1) doživljanje medicinskih sester ob hudo bolnih in umirajočih pacientih; (2) profesionalni odnos medicinskih sester.Diskusija in zaključek: Izvajanje zdravstvene nege v enotah intenzivne terapije je za medicinske sestre zelo stresno. Pri zdravstveni negi kritično bolnih pacientov se najpogosteje srečujejo s stalnimi fizičnimi obremenitvami, čustvenimi pretresi, pomanjkanjem čustvene podpore, žalostjo, izgorevanjem, depresijo, težavami v komunikaciji s pacientovimi sorodniki ter pomanjkljivim sodelovanjem in zagotavljanjem podpore v timu. Izpostavljene so številnim dejavnikom, ki prispevajo k doživljanju lastne stiske. Potrebni so ukrepi za zaščito, učinkovitejšo pomoč in podporo medicinskim sestram, ki se dnevno soočajo z umiranjem in zagotavljanjem podpore pacientovi družini oziroma svojcem.Introduction: In intensive care units, nurses cope with dying on a daily basis. This is stressful for nurses and may lead to psychological distress. The aim of the literature review is to establish the experiences of nurses with the dying process in intensive care units and how to understand they cope with the dying process.Methods: The literature review was used. The search was conducted in the following databases: COBISS, PubMed, ScienceDirect, SAGE, Web of Science and CINAHL based on eligibility criteria. The PRISMA diagram is used to present the literature selection process. The method of thematic analysis was used for analysis and synthesis of data. Results: From 1,886 search results, we included ten articles in the final analysis. Based on content analysis, we formed two main themes: (1) Experiences of nurses with very ill and dying patients; (2) Professional attitude of nurses.Discussion and conclusion: Conducting nursing care in intensive care units is very stressful for nurses. In nursing critically ill patients, nurses most often experience persistent physical and emotional stress, lack of emotional support, sadness, burnout, depression, difficulties in communication with relatives, and poor teamwork and team support. Many of the factors that nurses are exposed to contribute to their own feelings of distress. Policies are necessary to protect, more effectively assist and support nurses who face the dying process and ensure support to a dying person's relatives on a daily basis
Descriptors     Umiranje
Medicinske sestre
Keywords     zdravstvena nega
intenzivna terapija
paliativna oskrba
medicinske sestre
intensive care
palliative care