Author/Editor     Avdylaj, Liridon; Ličen, Sabina
Title     Identification of measurement instruments used to measure the cultural competence of nurses and nursing students
Translated title     Identifikacija merskih instrumentov za merjenje kulturnih kompetenc pri medicinskih sestrah in študentih zdravstvene nege
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 56, št. 1
Publication year     2022
Volume     str. 49-69
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik zdravstvene nege : strokovno glasilo Zveze društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije
Language     eng
Abstract     Introduction: Measuring cultural competence is a crucial step in evaluating the strategies for the development and achievement of cultural competence in nurses and nursing students. The aim of this systematic literature review was to examine the content and characteristics of available questionnaires and to select the most appropriate questionnaires for assessing cultural competence in nurses and nursing students. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was conducted in the CINAHL, ERIC, EBSCO and ScienceDirect databases. The following English search terms were used: transcultural nursing, culturally competent care, cultural competence, nursing education, questionnaire. The review included original research articles on relevant topics available in full text and published after 2010. Results: Of the 247 articles found, 11 articles were included in the final analysis. Based on their content and psychometric features such as reliability and construct validity, four of the analysed questionnaires were found to be most appropriate for measuring cultural competence in nurses, three questionnaires for measuring cultural competence in nursing students and one questionnaire for measuring cultural competence in nurse educators.Discussion and conclusion: Our analysis shows that some of the questionnaires included in this review are better suited for measuring cultural competence in nurses, while others are more suitable for measuring cultural competence in nursing students. This systematic review of the literature provides a useful starting point for other researchers in the field of cultural competence assessment in selecting appropriate questionnaires for further research.Uvod: Merjenje kulturnih kompetenc je temeljni korak pri oceni strategij učenja kulturnih kompetenc ter doseganju kulturne kompetentnosti med medicinskimi sestrami in študenti zdravstvene nege. Namen sistematičnega pregleda literature je bil proučiti vsebino in lastnosti vprašalnikov ter izbrati najprimernejše vprašalnike za ocenjevanje kulturnih kompetenc pri medicinskih sestrah in študentih zdravstvene nege. Metode: Izveden je bil sistematični pregled literature v podatkovnih bazah CINAHL, ERIC, EBSCO in ScienceDirect. Uporabljeni so bili angleški izrazi: transcultural nursing, cultural competent care, cultural competency, education nursing, questionaire. V pregled so bili vključeni izvirni znanstveni članki z ustrezno preiskovano tematiko, dostopni v celotnem besedilu ter objavljeni po letu 2010. Rezultati: Izmed 247 člankov je bilo v končno analizo vključenih 11 člankov. Med analiziranimi vprašalniki smo na podlagi vsebine ter psihometričnih lastnosti, kot sta zanesljivost in konstrukcijska veljavnost, ugotovili, da so štirje vprašalniki najbolj primerni za merjenje kulturnih kompetenc pri medicinskih sestrah, trije vprašalniki za merjenje kulturnih kompetenc pri študentih zdravstvene nege in en vprašalnik pri medicinskih sestrah v izobraževanju.Diskusija in zaključek: Določeni vprašalniki, ki smo jih vključili v naš pregled, so na podlagi analize kakovosti merilnih lastnosti vprašalnikov primernejši za merjenje kulturnih kompetenc pri medicinskih sestrah, ostali vprašalniki pa za merjenje kulturnih kompetenc pri študentih zdravstvene nege. Sistematični pregled literature predstavlja dobro izhodišče za druge raziskovalce s področja merjenja kulturnih kompetenc pri izboru ustreznih vprašalnikov za nadaljnje raziskave.
Keywords     transcultural nursing
cultural competences
clinical practice
transkulturna zdravstvena nega
kulturne kompetence
zdravstvena nega