Author/Editor     Ogrinc, Katarina; Hernández, Sergio A.; Korva, Miša; Bogovič, Petra; Rojko, Tereza; Lusa, Lara; Chiumento, Geena; Strle, Franc; Strle, Klemen
Title     Unique clinical, immune, and genetic signature in patients with borrelial meningoradiculoneuritis
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 28, št. 4
Publication year     2022
Volume     str. 766-776
ISSN     1080-6040 - Emerging infectious diseases
Language     eng
Keywords     infekcijske bolezni
Lymska nevroborelioza
Bannwartov sindrom
limfocitni meningitis
Lymska borelioza