Author/Editor     Horvat Rauter, Barbara; Logar, Svetlana; Groleger Sršen, Katja
Title     Uporaba tehnologije pri obravnavi kronične nerakave bolečine otrok in mladostnikov
Translated title     Use of technology in the treatment of chronic non-malignant pain in children and adolescents
Type     članek
Source     In: Moderne tehnologije v rehabilitaciji : zbornik predavanj : proceedings Ljubljana : Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut Republike Slovenije - Soča
Vol. and No.     Letnik 21, št. supl. 1
Publication year     2022
Volume     str. 115-122
Language     slv
Abstract     Kronična nerakava bolečina povzroča trpljenje in trajnejše posledice v delovanju in kakovosti življenja od 3 do 5 odstotkov otrok, mladostnikov in njihovih družin. V svetu je že uveljavljen, pri nas pa vzpostavljamo interdisciplinarni program, ki obsega izobraževanje, pridobivanje vpogledov v bolečinsko simptomatiko ter njeno pojavnost, razumevanje bolečine in proces pojavljanja sprememb v terapiji. Pri tem nam je lahko že v času obravnave ter tudi pri prenosu in utrjevanju pridobljenih veščin v pomoč tehnologija. V prispevku opisujemo najbolj uveljavljene oblike tehnološke podpore: navidezno resničnost, aplikacije za podporo spremembi bolečinskega vedenja in tehnološko podporo pri učenju sproščanja in zavedanja. Predstavljamo tudi možnosti uporabe tehnologije v podporo družini in širšemu okolju.Chronic non-malignant pain causes suffering and lasting consequences in the functioning and quality of life of 3-5 % of children, adolescents and their families. Interdisciplinary rehabilitation treatment is already established in some other countries, and we are in the process of establishing it at our institute. It includes education, gaining insights into pain symptoms and their occurrence, understanding of pain and the process of changes in therapy. Technology can help us with this already during the treatment, as well as in the transfer and consolidation of the acquired skills. In this paper, we describe the most established forms of technological support: virtual reality, applications to support the change of pain behaviour and technological support in learning relaxation and awareness. We also present the possibilities of using technology to support the family and wider environment.
Descriptors     Child
Keywords     otrok
kronična bolečina
chronic pain