Author/Editor     Hancock, John M.
Title     Simple sequences and the expanding genome
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 18, št. 5
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 421-425
ISSN     0265-9247 - BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology
Language     eng
Abstract     Recent analysis of the contribution of replication slippage to genome evolution shows that it has played a significant role in all species from eubacteria to humans. The overall level of repetition in genomes is related to genome size and to the degree of repetition that can be measured within individual ribosomal RNA genes, suggesting that the entire genome accepts simple sequences in a concerted manner when its size increases. Although coding sequences accept simple sequences much less readily than non-coding sequences, they accept some repeats, particularly (CAG)n, preferentially. This may have consequences for the evolution of the genes involved in trinucleotide expansion diseases and the transcriptional networks of which they may form a part.
Keywords     genome evolution
level of repetition in genomes
RNA genes
evolucija genoma
stopnja ponovitve v genomih
RNA geni