Author/Editor     Karić, Anel; Mivšek, Ana Polona
Title     Uporaba Edinburške lestvice poporodne depresije za presejanje očetov na poporodno depresijo
Translated title     Use of the Edinburgh postpartum depression scale for screening new fathers for postpartum depression
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 56, št. 2
Publication year     2022
Volume     str. 117-122
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik zdravstvene nege : strokovno glasilo Zveze društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije
Language     slv
Abstract     Uvod: Mednarodne raziskave kažejo, da približno 10 % očetov kaže znake poporodne depresije v obdobju od štirih do šestih mesecev po rojstvu novorojenca. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali prevod in priredba Edinburške lestvice poporodne depresije nudi zanesljiv presejalni test za odkrivanje poporodne depresije pri novih očetih. Metode: Izvedena je bila kvantitativna raziskava. S prilagojeno prevedeno Edinburško lestvico poporodne depresije so bili anketirani očetje ob patronažnem obisku 4‐6 mesecev po rojstvu otroka. Zajeti so bili vsi primerni kandidati v zdravstvenih domovih v Velenju in Črnučah v Ljubljani, in sicer med avgustom in decembrom 2019 (n = 80), realizacija vzorca je bila 51 (63 %). Koeficient Cronbach alfa za je znašal 0,931. Za analizo podatkov je bil uporabljen hi-kvadrat test. Rezultati: Osem anketirancev (15,7 %) je zbralo dvanajst ali več točk in so zato bili ogroženi za razvoj poporodne depresije. Nihče od anketiranih ni poročal o misli ali namerah o samomoru. Povprečno število doseženih točk je bilo 6,76 (s = 3,99). Najvišje število zbranih točk je bilo 16, zbral jih je en anketiranec (n = 1, 1,96 %). Diskusija in zaključek: Kljub majhnemu vzorcu, ki onemogoča posplošitev rezultatov, se v pilotni raziskavi ugotavlja podoben delež za poporodno depresijo rizičnih očetov kot v tujih raziskavah. Smiselno je torej obravnavati tudi duševno dobrobit očetov v prvem poporodnem letu, saj lahko stiska enega od partnerjev vpliva na celotno družino.Introduction: International research shows that approximately 10% of new fathers develop symptoms of postpartum depression in 4‐6 months postnatal. The purpose of the research was to evaluate whether the adapted and translated version of Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale is reliable enough for screening postpartum depression of new fathers. Methods: Quantitative study was conducted. Using the adapted Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale we interviewed fathers with 4‐6 month old infants during the visit of a community health nurse. The sample included all suitable candidates in Ljubljana - Črnuče and Velenje community health centres between August and December 2019 (n = 80), sample realisation was 51 (63%). The Cronbach alpha coefficient was 0.931. The chi-square test was used for analysing data. Results: Eight participants (15.7%) gathered score of 12 or more and were, therefore, at risk of developing postnatal depression. None of the respondents reported on having suicidal thoughts or intentions. The number of average achieved points was 6.76 (s = 3.99). The largest number of total points was 16 collected by one respondent (n = 1, 1.96%). Discussion and conclusion: Despite the small sample, which prevents a generalization of study results, the findings of our pilot study conclude that the proportion of Slovenian new fathers at risk of developing postpartum depression is similar to those in foreign studies. The recommendation of the study is to pay more attention to the mental health of new fathers, especially in the first year postpartum, since their well-being may also affect other family members.
Keywords     childbirth
postpartum mental health
poporodna depresija