Author/Editor     Jovanović, Mark; Brvar, Miran
Title     Toksični učinki kokaina na srčnožilni sistem in obravnava bolnikov z bolečino v prsih zaradi zlorabe kokaina
Translated title     Toxic cardiovascular effects of cocaine and management of patients with cocaine- associated chest pain
Type     članek
Publication year     2022
Volume     str. str.
ISSN     1318-0347 - Zdravniški vestnik : glasilo Slovenskega zdravniškega društva : Slovenian medical journal
Language     slv
Abstract     Since last 10 years epidemiologic data has shown increase in cocaine abuse among several countries of Western Europe and Central Europe, including Slovenia. Cocaine abuse presents important, but often unrecognized risk factor for evolution of cardiovascular disease. It is estimated the proportion of patients with a history of cocaine abuse and acute chest pain with typical angina symptoms or myocardial infarction is 40% and 6%, respectively. Despite the lack of common agreement on management of patients with a cocaine-associated chest pain, it is important to recognize those patients on time due to differences in treatment between group of patients with cocaine-associated chest pain and their corresponding control group. The first reason for necessary recognition is consideration of which type of stent to be inserted in patients with cocaine-associated chest pain who need percutaneous coronary intervention. Furthermore, the second reason is the lack of data to identify high risk patients for cocaine-induced intracerebral hemorrhage before administration of antiplatelet therapy due to stent insertion. Finally, the third reason is dilemma regarding safety and benefit of beta blocker use in patients with cocaine-associated chest pain. To conclude, the update on recommendations of American Heart Association on management of patients with cocaine-associated chest pain and myocardial infarction is required. However, next European guidelines for management of acute coronary syndrome should also include recommendations on treatment of patients with cocaine-associated chest pain and myocardial infarction in European countries, including Slovenia.
Keywords     intermediarni uveitis
dolgoročni potek
myocardial infarction