Author/Editor     Mitrovič, Simona; Lavrič Štrukelj, Irena; Čufar, Andreja
Title     Dermatiki v magistralni recepturi - pomen izbire prave mazilne podlage
Translated title     Dermal magistral preparation - how to choose appropriate excipient
Type     članek
Source     In: [Zbornik predavanj] Ljubljana : Medicinski razgledi
Vol. and No.     Letnik 59, št. suppl. 2
Publication year     2020
Volume     str. 59-63
Language     slv
Abstract     Med magistralnimi pripravki, ki se pripravljajo v lekarnah, je največ dermalnih, pri katerih je za zagotavljanje stabilnosti in učinkovitosti ključnega pomena izbira mazilne podlage. Neustrezen disperzni sistem ali pH mazilne podlage lahko povzroči nezdružljivosti in / ali razpad vgrajene učinkovine in s tem neučinkovitost pripravka. Pri izbiri sestavin magistralnega zdravila pa so zdravniki in farmacevti omejeni tudi na učinkovine in podlage, ki jih je dovoljeno predpisovati v breme obveznega zdravstvenega zavarovanja, saj so v nasprotnem primeru magistralna zdravila samoplačniška. V prispevki so predstavljene oficinalne in industrijsko izdelane mazilne podlage in strokovno utemeljene kombinacije, ki so skladne s Pravili obveznega zdravstvenega zavarovanja. Predstavljeni so tudi primeri magistralnih pripravkov z nekaterimi pogosto uporabljenimi učinkovinami.Among magistral pharmacy preparations most of them are dermal. The choice of appropriate excipient is crucial to ensure stability and effectiveness of these preparations. Choosing of an inappropriate disperse system or pH of the excipient can cause incompatibilities and / or decomposition of the active ingredient and thus the ineffectiveness of the preparation. However, when choosing components of a magistral preparation, doctors and pharmacists are also limited to the active substances and excipients that are reimbursed by the health insurance, otherwise the patients should pay them out of pocket. The article presents official and industrial excipients and justified combinations with active pharmaceutical substances that also comply with the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance. Examples of magistral preparations with some commonly used active pharmaceutical ingredients are also included.
Descriptors     Dermatologija
Kozmetični izdelki
Keywords     dermatiki
magistralni dermalni pripravki
mazilne podlage