Author/Editor     Grobovšek-Opara, Sonja; Šelb, Jožica; Rok-Simon, Mateja
Title     Hospitalizacije in umrljivost zaradi bolezni in poškodb v Sloveniji
Type     članek
Source     In: Pentek M, editor. Zdravo staranje. 1. nacionalna konferenca o promociji zdravja v Sloveniji; 1995 mar 29-30; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Gerontološko društvo Slovenije,
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 41-55
Language     slo
Abstract     Backgraund - The planning and implementing of health care are based on the population health status statistics, with special emphasis being placed on the morbidity and mortality due to various diseases and injuries. Methods - The paper presents the rate of hospitalization due to diseases and trauma per 1.000 inhabitants in Slovenia in 1993, and deals with the trend of hospitalization for the time period 1984-1993. The mortality figures for the period 1985-1993 are based on several mortality indices, including standardized mortality, median value and the number of potentially lost years of life. Results - Hospitalization was most frequently required for cardiovascular diseases, trauma, intoxication and diseases of the genito-urinary system. Trauma was responsible for the greatest number of potentially lost years of life. The next most frequent causes were cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Conclusions - The leading causes of death in Slovenia are in agreement with the leading causes of hospitaliization, and accord with the data for other European countries. As concerns the basic mortality indices. Slovenia ranks in the central position between the east and west European countries.