Author/Editor     Bohinjec, Mateja
Title     Imunogenetske osnove tkivne skladnosti: merila pri izbiri dvojice dajalec in sprejemalec pri klinični transplantaciji
Translated title     The immunogenetic basis of histocompatibility: matching of donor-recipient pairs in clinical transplantation
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 65, št. 4-5
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 199-206
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The transplantation reaction is a special example of an immune response. It's outcome is influenced by many factors including the degree of histocompatibility between the donor and recipient as well by a possible pre-transplant allosensibilisation of the patient. Before discussing the criteria for donor - recipient matching the author provides some basic information on the crucial role played by HLA molecules in immunity and alloimmunity. Conclusions. Possible immunological obstacles in cadaveric organ transplantation and the role of the laboratory for HLA typing and histocompatibility testing within a transplantation system are presented.
Summary     Izhodišča. Transplantacijska reakcija je poseben primer imunskega odziva. Na njen potek vplivata poleg številnih drugih dejavnikov tudi ujemanje v antigenih HLA med dajalcem in sprejemalcem in morebitna bolnikova alosenzibilizacija iz preteklosti. Kot uvod v merila pri izbiri dvojice dajalec/sprejemalec avtorica opiše ključno vlogo molekul v aloimunskem odzivu in utemelji zadržke pri transplantaciji organov nesorodnih umrlih dajalcev. Zaključki. Predstavi tudi vlogo, ki jo ima v transplantacijskem sistemu laboratorij za tipizacijo HLA in preizkuse tkivne skladnosti.