Author/Editor     Šrekl, J
Title     Ocenjevanje gibanja števila nezgod
Translated title     Estimation of variations in the number of accidents
Type     članek
Source     In: Tršinar I, Ograjenšek I, editors. Radenci' 95. Statistika dela, delovnih in življenskih pogojev; 1995 nov 27-28; Radenci. Ljubljana: Statistični urad Republike Slovenije,
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 241-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Occuptional safety in companies can be assessed with regard to the general safety in a certain industrial branch. However, comparisons are asually made within a company by occupational safety services. Assessing the successfulness of the performance of safety service is possible only by an analysis of accidents over several years. The number of accidents does not depend solely on activities of the service - other unavoidable impacts have to be considered as well. By using the Poisson event flow it is possible to separate the number of accidents which are the result of unavoidable, unexpected impacts from those which results from the quality of safety services. Due to a small number of samples which were assessed in this study, the estimations are rough, however they allow for the determination of parameters for stationariness or non-statistionariness of accident flow over a longer time period. This method is new, however some test and analyses show that the method could be used effectively.
Summary     Varnost v podjetju se ocenjuje le v primerjavi s povprečjem stanja varnosti v celotni panogi. Službe varstva pri delu pa iščejo primerjave znotraj samega podjetja. Analiza večletnega stanja nezgod šele pove nekaj več o uspešni ali neuspešni dejavnosti službe. Število nezgod seveda ni odvisno samo od dejavnosti službe, ampak je odvisno tudi od slučajnih vplivov, ki se jim ni moč izogniti. Z vpeljavo Poissonovega toka dogodkov poskušamo ločiti število nezgod kot posledico slučajnih vplivov od ševila nezgod, ki pa so posledica slabšega ali boljšega dela službe. Ocene so zaradi majhnih vzorcev razmeroma grobe, kljub temu pa le postavljajo meje parametrov, ki določajo stacionarnost oziroma nestacionarnost toka nesreč v večletnem obdobju. Metoda je povsem nova, vendar pa preizkusi analize na nekaterih podjetjih kažejo, da bi jo bilo mogoče dovolj učinkovito uporabiti.