Author/Editor     Jakovljević, M; Rac, Š
Title     Časovno merjeni "vstani in pojdi" test; vpliv starosti na izmerjene čase
Translated title     Timed "get up and go" test; effect of aging
Type     članek
Source     In: Breznik T, editor. 5. strokovno posvetovanje fizioterapevtov Slovenije; 1995 nov 9-11; Rogaška Slatina. Ljubljana: Društvo fizioterapevtov Slovenije,
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 27-32
Language     slo
Abstract     The study evaluates the short-term reliability of the time-measured "get up and go" test (VPT) and assess the effects of cognitive and functional capabilities, and of aging on the results of this test. Twenty nine elderly subjects participated in this tudy, (mean SD age = 82,28,2 yrs). Subjects attained average values of 17,71,8 (range from 14 to 20) on the Barthel scale of daily activities (IDA) and 8,82,3 (range from 5 to 12) on the mini mental status test (MMST). Subjects completed the VPT in 15,26,3s (range from 8,3 to 30,6s). Short term reliability of the VPT was highly significant (r=0,96; p less th. 0,001). The least significant difference (LSD) which was observed during repeated measures, was 3,5s. The correlation coefficients between the logarithmic values of the VPT and age were highly significant (r=0,61; p less th. 0,001). On the basis of this analysis a prediction equation was derived to predict VPT on the basis of age. The correlation between VPT and IDA (r=0,52; pless th. 0,01) and MMST (r=0,48; p less th. 0,01) were also significant. The timed VPT is a simple and inexpensive test of functional capability of the elderly, which can be conducted in short period. Consequently it may be used in routine psysiotherapy examinations of the elderly to assess their physical status.