Author/Editor     Muševič, I; Žekš, B; Blinc, R; Wittebrood, MM; Rasing, Th
Title     Order parameter dynamics near the Lifshitz point in a ferroelectric liquid crystal
Type     članek
Source     Physica B
Vol. and No.     Letnik 211
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 331-4
Language     eng
Abstract     The order parameter dynamics has been measured by photon autocorrelation spectroscopy close to the lambda-line of a ferroealectric liquid crystal in a transverse magnetic field. It is shown that the critical dynamics can be observerd and analysed in the vicinity of the Lifshitz point in this system. Preliminary results indicate the existence of a nearly gapless phason mode for small magnetic fields, whereas above 10 T phason excitations exhibit a finite frequency gap.
Descriptors     PHYSICS