Author/Editor     Takač, I; Arko, D; Gorišek, B
Title     Rak dojk: značilnosti in metode odkrivanja
Translated title     Breast cancer: the characteristics and detection methods
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 3
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 367-76
Language     slo
Abstract     Breast cancer is the most frequent malignant disease in women. It is alarming that in most countries and including Slovenia the number of women afflicted by and dying of this disease is increasing every year. The causes for the occurrence of the disease are unknown. In some women the risk of developing breast cancer is higher than in others. Breast cancer can be detected in the noninvasive and invasive form. Various investigation methods are used in breast cancer detection: history, clinical investigation, mammography, ultrasound, needle and excision biopsy. The probability of survival is greater if the disease is discovered at an early stage. Screening of asymptomatic women by clinical investigation and mammography is an effective method for the detection of early cancer forms. Together with adequate treatment it will certainly decrease the mortality due to this disease.
Summary     Rak dojk je najpogostejše maligno obolenje, ki prizadene ženske. Zaskrbljujoče je, da je v večini dežel in tudi v Sloveniji število zbolelih in umrlih zaradi te bolezni vsako leto večje. Vzroki nastanka te bolezni niso znani. Nekatere ženske so izpostavljene povečanemu tveganju za nastanek raka dojk. Rak dojk se lahko pojavi v neinvazivni ali invazivni obliki. Za odkrivanje raka dojk uporabljamo različne preiskovalne metode: anamnezo, klinični pregled, mamografijo, ultrazvok, igelno in ekscizijsko biopsijo. Verjetnost preživetja je večja, če odkrijemo bolezen v zgodnejšem stadiju. Klinični pregled in mamografija asimptomatskih žensk sta učinkovita načina odkrivanja zgodnjih oblik raka in ob ustreznem zdravljenju zanesljivo zmanjšata umrljivost zaradi te bolezni.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS