Author/Editor     Zupanič-Slavec, Z
Title     Dr. Janez Bleiweis - zdravstveni prosvetitelj
Translated title     Dr. Janez Bleiweis - health educator
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 3
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 395-404
Language     slo
Abstract     Thanks to the quality of his combining knowledge in two different sciences, Dr. Janez Bleiweis, the medical doctor and veterinarian, made himself valued in various spheres of life of the Carniola of the 19th century. Although most of his creative power was dedicated to politics, he also made valuable contributions in veterinary education and practice. As the secretary of the Agricultural Society he had apportunity to make himself known as a writer of popular articles on various health topics published in the newspaper "Novice" (The News). Most of his articles dealt with contagious diseases, such as smallpox and cholera, as well as with the danger of rabies and transmission of zoonoses to human. They were written in a clear and simple language, accessible to a wide readership. The articles were intended to enlighten and educate the public, and thus combat superstition. The author propagated vaccination against smallpox, promoted personal and general hygiene as an effective tool in the battle against cholera, and informed the readers about the latest achivements in the field of medicine. In addition to mounting campaigns against cholera, he also ran a ljubljana hospital providing treatment to cholera patients. As the director of Ajdovščina Maternity Hospital, he concentrated on the problems ob high mortality due to postpartum sepsis. He managed to improved the existing conditions by extending the hospital facilities. The functions of conty delegate to the Parliament was another important task assigned to Dr Janez Bleiweis, and he performed it to the great benefit of Carnolian medicine. Thanks to all these outstanding accomplishments, Dr Janez Bleiweis ranks as one of the most important doctors and health educators of his time.
Summary     Dr. Janez Bleiweis, zdravnik in živinozdravnik, se je s svojo dvojno izobrazbo uveljavil na večih področjih življenja in dela med Krajnci v drugi polovici 19. stoletja. Čeprav je večino svojih ustvajrlnih moči posvetil politiki, je s svojim delom vtisnil pomemben pečat tudi veterinarskemu izobraževanju in živinozdravniški praksi. Mesto tajnika cesarsko-kraljevske Kmetijske družbe mu je dalo priložnost, da se prek Novic uveljavi tudi kot pisec poljudnih prispevkov s področja zdravstva. Članki so večina posvečeni problematiki kužnih bolezni, koz in kolere, nevarstim stekline, prenosljivosti zoonoz na človeka. Pisani so v preprostem, širokemu krogu bralcev razumljivem jeziku, so poučni, zdravstveno prosvetiteljski in naperjeni proti vraževerstvu. V njih propagira cepljenje proti kozam, širjenje osebne in splošne higiene v borbi proti koleri in prinaša novice o spoznanjih razvijajoče se medicine. Med organiziranimi akcijami borbe proti koleri ni deloval le na ravni organizatorja, bil je tudi vodja bolnišnice za zdravljenje kolere v Ljubljani. Mesto ravnatelja porodnišnice na Ajdovščini mu je dalo priložnost, da se poglobi v problematiko velike smrtnosti med porodnicami in otročnicami zaradi poporodne sepse. Tukaj je z razširitvijo prostorov porodnišnice izboljšal dano stanje. Še ena vidna vloga je pomembna za zdravnika dr. Janeza Bleiweisa: mesto deželnega poslanca. Izkoristil je dano priložnost v korist kranjskega zdravništva. Vsa opravljena dela uvrščajo dr. Janeza Bleiweisa med pomembne zdravnike in zdravstven prosvetitelje svojega časa.